SND-ID: snd0035-1. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/002482
Ingår i samling hos SND: Sverige nu
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Sverige nu 1979-I
Testologen AB
In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests, consumer habits, possessions, buying intentions, and data about reading habits were collected in the same survey. At SSD there are now surveys available from the Sweden Now series covering the period 1972-1991.
In the 1977 survey the respondents had to indicate their reading habits concerning fifteen different daily papers, weekdays and weekends respectively. They also had to state their reading habits concerning nearly fifty papers from the weekly and monthly press. Other questions dealt with the household´s possession of a number of capital goods such as, car, camera, projector, washing machine, dishwasher, etc., and also if there were any dogs, cats, aquarium fishes or cagebirds in the household. A group of questions is dealing with buying habits and purchasing intentions for a number of products. A number of questions about personal interests are introduced by ´Human interests are different. How great is your inter
In the 1977 survey the respondents had to indicate their reading habits concerning fifteen different daily papers, weekdays and weekends respectively. They also had to state their reading habits concerning nearly fifty papers from the weekly and monthly press. Other questions dealt with the household´s possession of a number of capital goods such as, car, camera, projector, washing machine, dishwasher, etc., and also if there were any dogs, cats, aquarium fishes or cagebirds in the household. A group of questions is dealing with buying habits and purchasing intentions for a number of products. A number of questions about personal interests are introduced by ´Human interests are different. How great is your interest for the following subjects and activities´. Subsequently the respondent is asked how interested he/she is in buying food, cooking, having guests, leisure time activities, etc. Furthermore the respondents had to indicate if they agreed or disagreed with a number of statements concerning life style. There is information about the respondent´s gender, marital status, age, income, occupation, education and housing, and also about the household´s size, age structure, and total income of household. A major part of Sweden Now 1979 is a replication of earlier surveys. A new addition for this survey is a group of questions dealing with the respondents influence on purchases at the place of work.
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Data innefattar personuppgifter
Personer i åldrarna 15-70 år
Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts
1978-10-03 – 1979-01-29
Antal individer/objekt
Enligt särskilt urvalsförfarande utväljs var tredje person som ej svarat vid en viss tidpunkt och erbjuds någon form av uppmuntran för ett inskickat svar. De som därvid utväljs representerar två andra individer i bortfallet. Viktvariabel = V5.
Dataformat / datastruktur
Geografisk utbredning
Geografisk plats: Sverige
Lägsta geografiska enhet
Högsta geografiska enhet
Konsumtion och konsumentbeteende (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Medievetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Public relations (CESSDA Topic Classification)
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Swedish Social Science Data Service (1984) ORVESTO 1972-1979 - en marknadssociologisk databank vid Svensk samhällsvetenskaplig datatjänst. SSD report, 1. Göteborg: Swedish Social Science Data Service.
Testologen Ltd. (1979) Orvesto 1979-I : Hela riket. Sollentuna: Testologen Ltd.