Svensk valundersökning 1970

SND-ID: snd0047-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

Ingår i samling hos SND: Svensk valundersökning - Riksdagsval


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Bo Särlvik - Göteborgs universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Statistiska centralbyrån


Göteborgs universitet - Statsvetenskapliga institutionen rorId


The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were interviewed in their homes, an additional 1/3 through telephone interviews, and the remainder received a short mail questionnaire. Information on occupation, education, trade union affiliation and political party membership in this survey (the third stage of the 1964-1968-1970 panel) was extracted from the 1968 survey, for all respondents except those lost from the 1968 sample and those added in the 1970 supplementary sample. For these respondents information from 1970 was used. Questions specific to the 1970 election study are those on public representation on bank boards, Swedish membership in the Common Market, and aid to developing countries. There are also questions about the respondent´s opinion of the Social Democratic government, and on what the respondent wants the parties to accomplish on national and local level. Unlike most of the election studies, the 1970 study does not include questions on mass media.


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The 1970 election study differs from the others because the entire survey was carried out after election day. Different techniques were used: about 1/3 of the sample were interviewed in their homes, an additional 1/3 through telephone interviews, and the remainder received a short mail questionnaire. Information on occupation, education, trade union affiliation and political party membership in this survey (the third stage of the 1964-1968-1970 panel) was extracted from the 1968 survey, for all respondents except those lost from the 1968 sample and those added in the 1970 supplementary sample. For these respondents information from 1970 was used. Questions specific to the 1970 election study are those on public representation on bank boards, Swedish membership in the Common Market, and aid to developing countries. There are also questions about the respondent´s opinion of the Social Democratic government, and on what the respondent wants the parties to accomplish on national and local level. Unlike most of the election studies, the 1970 study does not include questions on mass media.


Förklara varför väljare röstar som de gör och varför val slutar som de gör. Spåra och följa trender i svensk valdemokrati och göra jämförelser med utvecklingen i andra länder. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall



Personer i åldrarna 20-80 år, bosatta i Sverige och röstberättigad i riksdagsvalet 1970


The sample was drawn from Statistics Sweden Survey Research Centre's sampling framework. The framework consisted of a nation-wide set of primary sampling units which provide the framework for a 'general purpose' two- stage population sample.

Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts

1970-09-22 – 1970-12-06



Antal individer/objekt


Dataformat / datastruktur


Datainsamling 1

  • Insamlingsmetod: Självadministrerat frågeformulär: papper
  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 1970-09-22 – 1970-12-06
  • Datainsamlare: Statistiska centralbyrån
  • Urvalsstorlek: 1633
  • Antal svar: 1368
  • Antal ej svarande: 265
  • Datakälla: Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Administrativa, Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Röstresultat, Befolkningsgrupp, Register/handlingar/förteckningar

Datainsamling 2

  • Insamlingsmetod: Personlig intervju
  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 1970-09-22 – 1970-12-06
  • Datainsamlare: Statistiska centralbyrån
  • Urvalsstorlek: 1602
  • Antal svar: 1355
  • Antal ej svarande: 247
  • Datakälla: Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Administrativa, Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Röstresultat, Befolkningsgrupp, Register/handlingar/förteckningar

Datainsamling 3

  • Insamlingsmetod: Telefonintervju
  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 1970-09-22 – 1970-12-06
  • Datainsamlare: Statistiska centralbyrån
  • Urvalsstorlek: 1580
  • Antal svar: 1407
  • Antal ej svarande: 173
  • Datakälla: Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Administrativa, Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Röstresultat, Befolkningsgrupp, Register/handlingar/förteckningar
Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Sverige

Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Val (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Regering, politiska system och organisationer (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Politiska beteenden och attityder (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Statsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sortera på namn | Sortera efter år

Elinder, M. (2008) Essays on Economic Voting, Cognitive Dissonance and Trust. Uppsala : Department of Economics, Univ. ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0.
ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0
ISSN: 0283-7668

Petersson, O. (1975) Social class and electorial change : Sweden 1956-1973. Uppsala: Department of Political Science.

Oscarsson, H. (1998) Den svenska partirymden : Väljarnas uppfattningar av konfliktstrukturen i partisystemet 1956-1996. Göteborg : Department of Political Science. ISBN: 91-628-3000-7.
ISBN: 91-628-3000-7
ISSN: 0346-5942

Petersson, O. (1975) Change in Swedish political behavior. Göteborg studies in politics, 5. Göteborg: Department of Political Science. ISBN: 91-40-04067-4.
Libris | Google Books
ISBN: 9789140040671

Särlvik, B. (1973) Valet 1970. In Allmänna valen 1970. Del 3 (SOS). Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.

Holmberg, Sören (2000) Partidemokrati : en sammanfattning av några resultat från valundersökningarna 1956-1998. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.

Publicerad: 1983-01-01
Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-07