Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region - Lithuania 2001

SND-ID: snd0760-6. Version: 1.0. DOI:



Elfar Loftsson - Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper

Yonhyok Choe - Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper orcid


Södertörns högskola - Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper rorId


This is the second survey conducted at the Södertörn University College by the project 'Democracy and Social Transition in the Baltic Sea Region'. The first survey was carried out in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in 1999. In connection with the follow-up survey in 2001, a similar survey was also carried out in Poland. To address peoples' perception on social and political changes, a number of questions was asked concerning: Political efficacy and political participation, political trust, evaluation of the electoral process, conceptions and evaluation of environmental issues, civil rights and duties, and an evaluation on household economy and economic situation. To acquire comparability with other Citizen Survey Studies conducted at Uppsala University in Sweden and at six university institutes of European countries, the modules are similar to their questions in structure and wordings.

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall



Personer i åldrarna 18 år och äldre



Sannolikhetsurval: flerstegsurval
In Lithuania, the two-staged stratified sampling was used to extract the sample. First. Lithuania was divided geographically into 15 strata (10 counties and 5 cities). In Latvia, the entire nation was divided into 113 strata, of which 36 was from Riga, 41 from towns and 36 parishes. The size of the sample in each stratum was based on the proportion of inhabitants. Secondly, samples were extracted in each stratum. The primary sampling points were selected at random from the population registers of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. Then the primary sampling units were selected using the route-sampling technique. Each seventh household was selected in urban areas and each fifth in rural areas. The secondary sampling units - individuals - were chosen using the next-birthday rule. Not more than 8 respondents were interviewed per one sampling point.

Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts

2001 – 2001



Antal individer/objekt


Dataformat / datastruktur

  • Insamlingsmetod: Personlig intervju
  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 2001 – 2001
  • Instrument: Baltic Survey 2001 (Strukturerat frågeformulär) - The questionnaire was written in English. For conducting interviews in the three countries, the original version was translated into Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian. In order to check whether the translated text captured the meaning of the original texts, some questions were retranslated into English. The translations were done by each national survey institute.
  • Datakälla: Befolkningsgrupp
Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Litauen

Lägsta geografiska enhet


Högsta geografiska enhet


Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper

Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Arbetsförhållanden (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Val (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Politiska beteenden och attityder (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Statsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Socialt beteende och attityder (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Loftsson, E., & Choe, Y. (2003). Political representation and participation in transitional democracies : Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
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URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-52
ISBN: 9189315146

Publicerad: 2011-02-08
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-08-16