Västsvensk opinion 1995
SND-ID: snd0514-1. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/002463
Tillhörande dokumentation
Martin Bennulf - Göteborgs universitet, Centrum för forskning om offentlig sektor
Göteborgs universitet
- Centrum för forskning om offentlig sektor
This survey forms part of the project 'Local environmental work - A study of local conditions and the interplay between economy and politics'. Other surveys used within this project are 'Local environment work 1995', 'SOM-survey 1995' and 'SOM-survey Western Sweden 1995'. Councillors in some thirty randomly chosen municipalities in Western Sweden had to answer a questionnaire dealing with environment, politics and media usage. The respondents had to state how often they read different types of papers, how much they read about different areas of politics and how often they watched/listened to news programs in TV or on the radio. Questions on politics and society dealt with participation in the 1994 general election, preferred political party on national level, general interest in politics and interest in different areas of politics. Furthermore the respondents were to place the political parties and themselves on a political left-right scale as well as on a green dimension scale. A number of questions considered the respondent's party: how long the party had been represented in the council; num
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Geografisk utbredning
Geografisk plats: Sverige
Ansvarig institution/enhet
Centrum för forskning om offentlig sektor
Miljö och naturvård (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Val (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Politiska beteenden och attityder (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Fritid, turism och sport (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Bennulf, M., Lundin, U., & Petersson S. (1996) Västsvensk opinion 1995. Undersökningsdesign, urval, materialinsamling och frekvensfördelningar. Work report no. 11. Göteborg: CEFOS.