SWIP - Dödsorsaker 1978-1986

SND-ID: snd0500-58. Version: 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/mb6h-aj68



Björn Gustafsson - Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete


Göteborgs universitet - Institutionen för socialt arbete rorId


The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of large samples of foreign-born and Swedish-born persons. Income information from registers is added for nearly 40 years. In addition income information relating to spouses is also available as well as for a subset of mothers and fathers. This makes it possible to construct measures of household income based on a relatively narrow definition. However, starting in 1998 there is also more information making it possible to include children over 18 and their incomes in the family. By matching with some different additional registers information has been added for people who have been unemployed or involved in labour market programmes during the 90s, on causes of deaths for people who have deceased since 1978 and on recent arrived immigrants from various origins.
It has turned out that the data-base is quite useful for analysing research-questions other than originally motivating construction of the panel. The panel has been use

... Visa mer..
The Swedish income panel was originally set up in the beginning of the 90s to make studies of how immigrants assimilate in the Swedish labour market possible. It consists of large samples of foreign-born and Swedish-born persons. Income information from registers is added for nearly 40 years. In addition income information relating to spouses is also available as well as for a subset of mothers and fathers. This makes it possible to construct measures of household income based on a relatively narrow definition. However, starting in 1998 there is also more information making it possible to include children over 18 and their incomes in the family. By matching with some different additional registers information has been added for people who have been unemployed or involved in labour market programmes during the 90s, on causes of deaths for people who have deceased since 1978 and on recent arrived immigrants from various origins.
It has turned out that the data-base is quite useful for analysing research-questions other than originally motivating construction of the panel. The panel has been used for cross country comparisons of immigrants in the labour market and to analyse income mobility for different breakdowns of the population, and analyses the development in cohort income. There have been analyses of social assistance receipt among immigrants as well as studies of intergeneration mobility of income, the labour market situation of young immigrants and the second generation of immigrants. On-going work includes evaluation of labour market training programmes and studies of early retirement among immigrants. Planned work includes studies of the economic transition from child to adulthood during the 80s and 90s as well as studies of how frequent immigrant children are subject to measures under the Social Service Act and the Care of Youth Persons Act.
The potentials of the Swedish Income Panel can be understood if one compares it with better known income-panels in other countries. For example SWIP covers more years and has a larger sample than the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). On the other hand, the fact that information is obtained from registers only makes this Swedish panel less rich in variables. There are striking parallels between the Gothenburg Income Panel and the labour market panel at the Centre for Labour Market and Social Research in Aarhus for the Danish population. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall


Sveriges befolkning


The samples are taken from a register of the total population (RTB) kept by Statistics Sweden. This register is frequently updated and covers all persons registered as residing in Sweden. Excluded are asylum-seekers waiting for a residence permit. When a person emigrates or dies this should be recorded in the register. As every person residing in Sweden should have a personal number this can be used to identify persons in various registers. Merging such information requires a permit from the data protection agency. The merging has been made by Statistics Sweden. The research group has access to data-sets not containing personal numbers.
It is widely believed that the register of the total population has a high quality in many, but not all respects. Undocumented immigration has not been a big issue in public debates in Sweden. However, there are reasons to believe that undocumented emigration to non-Nordic countries is underreported. This means that some (mainly foreign-born) persons registered as living in Sweden actually have left the country.
From the register of 1978 a 1-percent sample of

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The samples are taken from a register of the total population (RTB) kept by Statistics Sweden. This register is frequently updated and covers all persons registered as residing in Sweden. Excluded are asylum-seekers waiting for a residence permit. When a person emigrates or dies this should be recorded in the register. As every person residing in Sweden should have a personal number this can be used to identify persons in various registers. Merging such information requires a permit from the data protection agency. The merging has been made by Statistics Sweden. The research group has access to data-sets not containing personal numbers.
It is widely believed that the register of the total population has a high quality in many, but not all respects. Undocumented immigration has not been a big issue in public debates in Sweden. However, there are reasons to believe that undocumented emigration to non-Nordic countries is underreported. This means that some (mainly foreign-born) persons registered as living in Sweden actually have left the country.
From the register of 1978 a 1-percent sample of native born persons (about 77 000 individuals) was taken as well as a 10-percent sample of foreign born persons (about 60 000 individuals). Supplementary 10-percent samples of people immigrating each year 1979 until 1998 was also taken (sample sizes varies between 3 000-7 000 individuals). For immigration to Sweden during 1999 and 2000, it is not a sample but the data contain all cases. The changed design allows studies of immigrants who arrived those years to be made in larger dept. However, the changed design must be taken into account in case a user in interested in making repeated cross section analyses. In such cases it is advisable to take a 10 percent sample immigrants who arrived in 1999 and 2000. This research strategy enables an analyst to construct yearly cross-sections for the adult Swedish population for each year 1978, 1979, ...
For each individual in the panel there is also information on the (present) spouse to the person sampled. Also cohabiting adults are regarded as spouses in case they are mother and father to the same child. This makes it possible to construct variables measuring family income and thus studies of family disposable income.
Another attractive feature of the Swedish Income Panel is income information referring to parents for a subset of the sample. The subset constitutes of sampled persons born 1941 and later for whom mothers and fathers could be identified using a key. Identification was successful in most but not all cases. The possibility to link individuals to records for parents makes it also possible to identify native-born persons having a foreign born parent (´the second generation of immigrants´). Visa mindre..

Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts

1968-01-01 – 2003-12-31



Antal individer/objekt


Dataformat / datastruktur

  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 1968-01-01 – 2003-12-31
  • Datakälla: Register/handlingar/förteckningar: Administrativa, Register/handlingar/förteckningar
Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Sverige

Lägsta geografiska enhet


Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Institutionen för socialt arbete

Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Socialt arbete (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Sociala välfärdssystem/-strukturer (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Inkomster, egendom och investeringar/sparande (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Minoriteter (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Ekonomiska förhållanden och indikatorer (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sortera på namn | Sortera efter år

Andrén T., & Gustafsson, B. (2004) Income effects from labor market training programs in Sweden during the 80's and 90's. International Journal of Manpower, 25, 688-713.

Andrén T., & Gustafsson, B. (2004) Patterns of Social Assistance Receipt - Experiences from Sweden during a Period of Rapidly Deteriorating Labour Market Conditions. International Journal of Social Welfare, 13, 55-68.

Andrén, T., & Gustafsson, B. (2005) Nya Resultat om inkomsteffekter av arbetsmarknadsutbildning under 1980- och 90-talen. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv, 11, (2) 79-92.

Andrén, T. (2002) Essays on Training, Welfare and Labor Supply. Ph D Thesis Economics, University of Göteborg.

Blume, Kraen, Gustafsson, Björn, Pedersen, J Peder & Verner, Mette (2005) A Tale of Two Countries: Poverty among immigrants to Denmark and Sweden since 1984. In Borjas, G., & Crisp, J. (eds.) Poverty, International Migration and Asylum. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan in association with the United Nations University - World Institute for Development Economics Research.
Swepub | Till lärosätets (gu) databas
ISBN: 1-4039-4365-6

Corak, M., Gustafsson, B., & Österberg, T. (2004) Intergenerational Influences on the Receipt of Unemployment Insurance in Canada and Sweden. In Corak, M. (ed.) Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe. Cambridge University Press.

Franzén, E. (2001) Socialbidrag bland invandrare: erfarenheter från Sverige. Sociologisk Forskning, No 3-4:9-39.

Franzén, E. (2003) I välfärdsstatens väntrum - studier av invandrares socialbidragstagande. Göteborg : Department of Social Work, Univ. ISBN: 9186796372.
ISBN: 9186796372

Franzén, E. (2004) I väntan på välfärd. Invandrare & Minoriteter, no. 1:2004.

Franzén, E. (2004) Invandrare och socialbidragsmottagare - ett liv i ofärd. I Ekberg, J. (red) Egenförsörjning eller bidragsförsörjning (SOU 2004:21), sid. 103-131. Stockholm: Fritzes.

Gustafsson, B. (2002) Sweden's Experience of International Migration - Issues and Studies. In Ralph R., & Stein, P. (eds.) Migration Policy and the Economy: International Experiences. Munich: Hanns-Seidel-Foundation.

Gustafsson, B., & Pedersen, P.J. (2005) Nederst vid borden i Danmark och Sverige - Relativ fattigdom bland invandrare. Ekonomisk Debatt, 22 (7) 5-16.
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Gustafsson, B., & Zheng, J. (2006) Earnings of Immigrants in Sweden 1978-1999. International Migration, 44 (22) 79-117.

Gustafsson, B., & Österberg, T. (2001) Immigrants and the Public Sector Budget - Accounting Exercises for Sweden. Journal of Population Economics, vol 14 pp 689-708.

Gustafsson, B., & Österberg, T. (2004) Ursprung och förtidspension. I Ekberg J. (red) Egenförsörjning eller bidragsförsörjning. SOU 2004:21. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Till lärosätets (gu) databas | Swepub

Gustafsson, B., Hammarstedt, M., & Zheng, J. (2004) Invandrares arbetsmarknadssituation - översikt och nya siffror. I Ekberg, J (ed.) Egenförsörjning eller bidragsförsörjning, Invandrarna, arbetsmarknaden och välfärdsstaten. Stockholm: S O U 2004:21.

Österberg, T. (2002) Klassresan i det nya landet - Om social och ekonomisk mobilitet bland invandrare. I Fattigdom i välfärdsstaten. FAS.

Österberg, T., & Gustafsson, B. (2006) Disability Pension among in Sweden 1981 to 1999. Social Science and Medicine, 63, 805-816.

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Version 1.0. 2002-03-01

Version 1.0: 2002-03-01

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/mb6h-aj68

Kontakt för frågor om data

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Visa mindre..
Publicerad: 2002-03-01
Senast uppdaterad: 2020-01-17