Social mobilitet i Sverige 1954

SND-ID: snd0224-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

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Gösta Carlsson - Lunds universitet, Sociologiska institutionen


Lunds universitet - Sociologiska institutionen rorId


The sample was drawn by means of the central population register (CPR) of Statistics Sweden. CPR contains basic demographic and social data on every individual born on the 15th of any month, any year, and irrespective of place of birth or place of residence. Thus CPR forms, in effect, a 3.3 probability sample of the entire Swedish population. From CPR were drawn all men born in any of the years 1899, 1902, 1905, and so on, down to and including 1923. Thus there are nine birth cohorts, spaced with three-year intervals. Information about occupation in the present (son's) generation was taken from CPR. The method for gathering information on occupation in the previous (father's) generation was a different one. In CPR parish of birth (if in Sweden) and date of birth is always stated. Consequently every person can be located in the copies of the parish birth registers filed in Stockholm, and in these registers the father's occupation is stated (if the father is known). Other data collected from the CPR: place of birth and current place of residence, marital status, age of the parents, and informati

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The sample was drawn by means of the central population register (CPR) of Statistics Sweden. CPR contains basic demographic and social data on every individual born on the 15th of any month, any year, and irrespective of place of birth or place of residence. Thus CPR forms, in effect, a 3.3 probability sample of the entire Swedish population. From CPR were drawn all men born in any of the years 1899, 1902, 1905, and so on, down to and including 1923. Thus there are nine birth cohorts, spaced with three-year intervals. Information about occupation in the present (son's) generation was taken from CPR. The method for gathering information on occupation in the previous (father's) generation was a different one. In CPR parish of birth (if in Sweden) and date of birth is always stated. Consequently every person can be located in the copies of the parish birth registers filed in Stockholm, and in these registers the father's occupation is stated (if the father is known). Other data collected from the CPR: place of birth and current place of residence, marital status, age of the parents, and information on income based on the tax assessments. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall




Antal individer/objekt


Dataformat / datastruktur

Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Sverige

Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Sociologiska institutionen

Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Sociologi (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Social och yrkesmässig rörlighet (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sortera på namn | Sortera efter år

Carlsson, G. (1958) Social mobility and class structure. Lund: Gleerups.
Google Books | Libris

Erikson, R. (1983) Changes in Social Mobility in Industrial Nations: the Case of Sweden. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 2.
Libris | Google Books

Publicerad: 1988-01-01
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-02-06