Data för: Strip-cropping legacy enhances potato plant defence responses to aphids via soil-mediated mechanisms
SND-ID: 2024-478. Version: 1. DOI:
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Laura G.A. Riggi
- Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för ekologi
Karen Kloth
- Wageningen University & Research, Entomology
Roland Mumm
- Wageningen University & Research, BIOS Applied Metabolic Systems
Ric de Vos
- Wageningen University & Research, BIOS Applied Metabolic Systems
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
- Institutionen för ekologi
Data innefattar personuppgifter
Investigation was done on individual potted potato plants.
The data presents results from a complete randomized block design greenhouse factorial pot experiment with eight treatments and ten replicates per treatment (n = 80) with one potato plant (S. tuberosum, ‘Fontane’).
In each potted potato we measured Aphid population growth, AMF root colonization, potato biomass, potato tuber yield, N & P in leaves, and potato plant metabolites (using LC-MS untargeted methods).
Experimentell studie
Beskrivning av studiedesign
We used a green-house experiment with potato plants to explore the soil legacy effects of mono-cropping versus strip-cropping systems, AMF inoculation and aphid infestation on AMF root colonization, the induction of plant defences (untargeted LCMS-based metabolomics), aphid population size and potato yield.
Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts
2022-02-01 – 2022-04-30
Arter och taxon
Geografisk utbredning
Geografisk plats: Nederländerna
Geografisk beskrivning: For the strip-cropping legacy treatments, plants were grown either in soil from the middle of 100 m2 mono-cropped plots (mono) or from the edge of strip-cropped plots (strip), collected from the long-term organic strip-cropping experiment at Wageningen University (51°59’33.06” N, 5°39’43.56” E)
Ekologi (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Areella näringar (INSPIRE topic categories)
Biologi och ekologi (INSPIRE topic categories)
Riggi L.G.A Dirham, A., Akangbe, O., de Vos, R., Fijen, T., van Apeldoorn D., Mommer L., van Arkel, J., Mumm R., Emery, S.E., Kloth K.J. Strip-cropping legacy enhances potato plant defence responses to aphids via soil-mediated mechanisms. Functional Ecology [Accepted]