Svensk valundersökning panel 1998-2002

SND-ID: snd0750-2. Version: 1.0. DOI:


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Sören Holmberg - Göteborgs universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Statistiska centralbyrån


Göteborgs universitet - Statsvetenskapliga institutionen rorId


This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or several of the previous surveys, but there are also a number of questions not asked before. The interview included questions on how much the respondent takes part of political matters in mass media; political interest in general and political discussions among family and friends; important issues when deciding how to vote; and preferred formation of the government after the election as well as person preferred as prime minister. There were also a number of questions on the opinions of the political parties regarding: employment, environment, taxes, the Swedish economy, energy and nuclear power, foreign affairs and security policy, social safety, old-age care, the European Union, refugees, law and order, equality between men and women, education and child care. Political parties and party leaders were to be placed on a scale ranging from strongly dislike to strongly like. Respondents also had to give their opinion on the S

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This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or several of the previous surveys, but there are also a number of questions not asked before. The interview included questions on how much the respondent takes part of political matters in mass media; political interest in general and political discussions among family and friends; important issues when deciding how to vote; and preferred formation of the government after the election as well as person preferred as prime minister. There were also a number of questions on the opinions of the political parties regarding: employment, environment, taxes, the Swedish economy, energy and nuclear power, foreign affairs and security policy, social safety, old-age care, the European Union, refugees, law and order, equality between men and women, education and child care. Political parties and party leaders were to be placed on a scale ranging from strongly dislike to strongly like. Respondents also had to give their opinion on the Social democratic party and the Conservative party and their party leaders with regard to how reliable, inspiring, and sympathetic they are and how much they know about what ordinary people likes. The respondents also had to state how much confidence they had in Swedish politicians. A number of questions dealt with party preference; vote in the September elections; things important when choosing party; votes in earlier elections. As in earlier election studies the respondent had to place the political parties on a political left-right scale. In this survey the political parties also had to be placed on a scale concerning their opinion towards EMU. The respondent also had to place herself/himself on these scales.


Förklara varför väljare röstar som de gör och varför val slutar som de gör. Spåra och följa trender i svensk valdemokrati och göra jämförelser med utvecklingen i andra länder.

Datasetet består av den panel av respondenter som deltog i Svensk valundersökning åren 1998 och 2002. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall



Personer i åldrarna 18-80 år, bosatta i Sverige och röstberättigade i riksdagsvalet 1998.

Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts

1998 – 2002



Antal individer/objekt


Dataformat / datastruktur

Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Sverige

Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


  • Finansiär: Riksdagen
Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Val (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Regering, politiska system och organisationer (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Politiska beteenden och attityder (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Samhällsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Statsvetenskap (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Sortera på namn | Sortera efter år

Holmberg, S. (2000) Partiröstning och personröstning 1998. In Allmänna valen 1998. Del 4. Specialundersökningar (SOS). Stockholm: Statistics Sweden. (With a summary in English).

Holmberg, Sören (2000) Välja parti. Stockholm: Norstedts juridik.
ISBN: 9139103951

Elinder, M. (2008) Essays on Economic Voting, Cognitive Dissonance and Trust. Uppsala : Department of Economics, Univ. ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0.
ISSN: 0283-7668
ISBN: 978-91-85519-20-0

Holmberg, Sören (2000) Partidemokrati : en sammanfattning av några resultat från valundersökningarna 1956-1998. Stockholm: Statistics Sweden.

Arndt, C. (2013). The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms: Social Democracy's Transformation and its Political Costs. Amsterdam University Press.
Libris | Läs fulltext
ISBN: 978-90-8964-450-3

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Publicerad: 2014-09-30
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-09-21