Svensk opinion 1979

SND-ID: snd0088-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

Ingår i samling hos SND: Svensk opinion


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Gunnar Boalt - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Gunnar Ekman - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Sten Hultgren - Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser

Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser


This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information on the public opinion, the questionnaires have been very extensive and the number of variables in each survey amount to 500 or more. A core of questions asked annually makes it possible to study changes in opinion over time. Swedish opinion 1979 included questions on: the importance of a number of changes in one´s own personal conditions and the opinion on the ability of a number of institutions, individuals and political authorities to achieve something that the respondent benefits from; the importance of a number of issues and the opinion on the ability of a number of organizations and political authorities to achieve something in these issues; opinion on the influence a number of organizations and groups have in society; the respondent´s own well being at present; work and working conditions; political party with best ideas to achieve improvements in a number of fields; personal responsibilities. The respondents had t

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This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information on the public opinion, the questionnaires have been very extensive and the number of variables in each survey amount to 500 or more. A core of questions asked annually makes it possible to study changes in opinion over time. Swedish opinion 1979 included questions on: the importance of a number of changes in one´s own personal conditions and the opinion on the ability of a number of institutions, individuals and political authorities to achieve something that the respondent benefits from; the importance of a number of issues and the opinion on the ability of a number of organizations and political authorities to achieve something in these issues; opinion on the influence a number of organizations and groups have in society; the respondent´s own well being at present; work and working conditions; political party with best ideas to achieve improvements in a number of fields; personal responsibilities. The respondents had to indicate if they agreed or disagreed with a number of statements concerning politics and also to indicate political parties standing for that opinion. Other questions dealt with the politicians and the society; vote in 1976 and voting intention at a hypothetical election the same day; important factors when deciding how to vote; wage-earner´s investment funds; nuclear power; action groups´ possibilities to achieve something; nationalization of private companies; opinion on the way insurance companies, banks and publishing companies manage their affairs; opinion on a number of issues concerning work, income, influence at the work place and other social conditions; influences on the respondent´s political standpoint; sources of information; political standpoint at home, in school and among friends; share holding and reasons for holding shares; union membership; things important for being satisfied with work and work place; bank saving; attitude toward work and work place; membership; shop-hours; reading frequencies for a number of daily papers, weeklies and magazines; political opinion of daily papers read; membership in book clubs. Background variables include information on gender, age, region, marital status, occupation, income and education. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall



Personer i åldrarna 17-80 år


Sannolikhetsurval: obundet slumpmässigt urval
Obundet slumpmässigt urval ur befolkningsregistret, riksomfattande.

Tidsperiod(er) som undersökts

1979-04-15 – 1979-06-05



Antal individer/objekt



V11 = viktvariabel.

Dataformat / datastruktur

  • Tidsperiod(er) för datainsamling: 1979-04-15 – 1979-06-05
  • Instrument: (Strukturerat frågeformulär)
  • Datakälla: Befolkningsgrupp
Geografisk täckning

Geografisk utbredning

Geografisk plats: Sverige

Lägsta geografiska enhet


Administrativ information


  • Finansiär: Riksbankens jubileumsfond

Sortera på namn | Sortera efter år

Boalt, G., & Bergryd, U. (1981) Political value patterns and parties in Sweden. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.ISBN: 91-22-00413-0.
Google Books | Libris
ISBN: 91-22-00413-0

Boalt, G., & Hultgren, S. (1980) I svenskarnas ögon. Stockholm: LT Förlag. ISBN: 91-36-01651-9.
Google Books | Libris
ISBN: 9789136016512

Swedish Social Science Data Service (1985) Svenska folket 1979-1985 - sex enkäter från Stiftelsen för Opinionsanalyser. SSD report, 2. Göteborg: Swedish Social Science Data Service.

Hultgren, S. (1982) Det politiska spelet om envar : vad den svenske väljaren tror, fruktar, hoppas och kräver - speglat i opinionsundersökningar under tre år. Stockholm : Askild & Kärnekull. ISBN: 91-582-0401-6.
ISBN: 91-582-0401-6

Boalt, G. (1985) Vad vill väljarna? : åsiktsförskjutningarna 1979-1983. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell international. ISBN: 91-22-00736-9.
ISBN: 91-22-00736-9

Publicerad: 1984-09-01
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-02-06