Supplementary tables:MetaFetcheR: An R package for complete mapping of small compound data
SND-ID: 2024-341. Version: 1. DOI:
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Sara A. Yones - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi
Rajmund Csombordi - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi
Jan Komorowski
- Uppsala universitet / Polish Academy of Sciences / Washington National Primate Research Center, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi, Beräkningsbiologi och bioinformatik, Kollegiet för avancerade studier (SCAS) / Institute of Computer Science Warsaw
Klev Diamanti
- Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi, Beräkningsbiologi och bioinformatik, Institutionen för immunologi, genetik och patologi
The dataset includes a PDF file containing the results and an Excel file with the following tables:
Table S1 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalystR using Diamanti et al.
Table S2 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalystR for Priolo et al.
Table S3 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalyst 5.0 webtool using Diamanti et al.
Table S4 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalyst 5.0 webtool for Priolo et al.
Table S5 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on HMDB database.
Table S6 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on KEGG database.
Table S7 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on ChEBI database.
Table S8 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on PubChem database.
Table S1 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalystR using Diamanti et al.
Table S2 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalystR for Priolo et al.
Table S3 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalyst 5.0 webtool using Diamanti et al.
Table S4 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MetaboAnalyst 5.0 webtool for Priolo et al.
Table S5 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on HMDB database.
Table S6 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on KEGG database.
Table S7 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on ChEBI database.
Table S8 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on PubChem database.
Table S9 Data quality test results for running 100 iterations on LIPID MAPS database.
Table S10 The list of metabolites that were not mapped by MetaboAnalystR for Diamanti et al.
Table S11 An example of an input matrix for MetaFetcheR.
Table S12 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to MS_targeted using Diamanti et al.
Table S13 Data set from Diamanti et al.
Table S14 Data set from Priolo et al.
Table S15 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to CTS using KEGG identifiers available in Diamanti et al.
Table S16 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to CTS using LIPID MAPS identifiers available in Diamanti et al.
Table S17 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to CTS using KEGG identifiers available in Priolo et al.
Table S18 Results of comparing the performance of MetaFetcheR to CTS using KEGG identifiers available in Priolo et al.
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Datavetenskap (datalogi) (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
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