Raw-Data: A Reusable Characterization Of The Memory System Behavior Of SPEC 2017 And SPEC 2006

SND-ID: 2024-316. Version: 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.57804/yer0-6940



Muhammad Hassan - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Datorarkitektur och datorkommunikation / Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Avdelningen för datorteknik orcid

Chang Hyun Park - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Datorarkitektur och datorkommunikation / Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Avdelningen för datorteknik orcid

David Black-Schaffer - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Datorarkitektur och datorkommunikation / Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Avdelningen för datorteknik orcid


Uppsala universitet rorId


This dataset accompanies the ISPASS 2020 extended abstract: Architecturally-independent and time-based characterization of SPEC CPU 2017 and TACO paper: A Reusable Characterization of the Memory System Behavior of SPEC2017 and SPEC2006.

In this data you can find 2 folders: SPEC06 and SPEC17. These 2 folders contain data for benchmarks from SPEC 2006 and SPEC 2017 respectively.

Inside the folder of SPEC06/SPEC17 you find number of folders each with the name of a specific benchmark.

Inside each benchmark folder you find 2 folders with the name of Prefetch and No-Prefetch. The prefetch folder contains data from experiments with prefetching and no-prefetch contains data without prefetching.

Inside the Prefetch (No-Prefetch) folder you can find 16 files each with a specific number: 32k means this is data.

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This dataset accompanies the ISPASS 2020 extended abstract: Architecturally-independent and time-based characterization of SPEC CPU 2017 and TACO paper: A Reusable Characterization of the Memory System Behavior of SPEC2017 and SPEC2006.

In this data you can find 2 folders: SPEC06 and SPEC17. These 2 folders contain data for benchmarks from SPEC 2006 and SPEC 2017 respectively.

Inside the folder of SPEC06/SPEC17 you find number of folders each with the name of a specific benchmark.

Inside each benchmark folder you find 2 folders with the name of Prefetch and No-Prefetch. The prefetch folder contains data from experiments with prefetching and no-prefetch contains data without prefetching.

Inside the Prefetch (No-Prefetch) folder you can find 16 files each with a specific number: 32k means this is data.

Datasetet har ursprungligen publicerats i DiVA och flyttades över till SND 2024. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter



Metod och utfall
Geografisk täckning
Administrativ information


Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Datorsystem (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Datasystem, Data, System

Publicerad: 2020-12-16
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-06-25