Engelsk-svensk-turkisk korpus

SND-ID: ext0078-1.

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Beáta Megyesi - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi

Éva Csató Johanson - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi

Bengt Dahlqvist - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi

Joakim Nivre - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi

Eva Pettersson - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi


Uppsala universitet - Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi rorId


We describe a syntactically annotated parallel corpus containing typologically partly different languages, namely English, Swedish andTurkish. The corpus consists of approximately 300 000 tokens in Swedish, 160 000 in Turkish and 150 000 in English, containing bothfiction and technical documents. We build the corpus by using the Uplug toolkit for automatic structural markup, such as tokenizationand sentence segmentation, as well as sentence and word alignment. In addition, we use basic language resource kits for the linguisticanalysis of the languages involved. The annotation is carried on various layers from morphological and part of speech analysis todependency structures. The tools used for linguistic annotation, e.g., HunPos tagger and MaltParser, are freely available data-drivenresources, trained on existing corpora and treebanks for each language. The parallel treebank is used in teaching and linguistic researchto study the relationship between the structurally different languages. In order to study the treebank, several tools have been developedfor the visualization of the annotatio

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We describe a syntactically annotated parallel corpus containing typologically partly different languages, namely English, Swedish andTurkish. The corpus consists of approximately 300 000 tokens in Swedish, 160 000 in Turkish and 150 000 in English, containing bothfiction and technical documents. We build the corpus by using the Uplug toolkit for automatic structural markup, such as tokenizationand sentence segmentation, as well as sentence and word alignment. In addition, we use basic language resource kits for the linguisticanalysis of the languages involved. The annotation is carried on various layers from morphological and part of speech analysis todependency structures. The tools used for linguistic annotation, e.g., HunPos tagger and MaltParser, are freely available data-drivenresources, trained on existing corpora and treebanks for each language. The parallel treebank is used in teaching and linguistic researchto study the relationship between the structurally different languages. In order to study the treebank, several tools have been developedfor the visualization of the annotation and alignment, allowing search for linguistic patterns.


Det övergripande syftet med projektet är att främja forskning och undervisning i turkiska. Mer specifikt syftar projektet till att bygga upp språkteknologiska basresurser för turkiska, svenska och engelska med kontrastiva frågeställningar i fokus. Visa mindre..

Data innefattar personuppgifter


Metod och utfall
Geografisk täckning
Administrativ information

Ansvarig institution/enhet

Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi

Ämnesområde och nyckelord


Språk och litteratur (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Språk och lingvistik (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Texter, Lingvistik


Csató Johansson, Megyesi, Beáta, Dahlqvist, Bengt, Csató, Éva Á. & Nivre, Joakim, 'The English-Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank', Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010)., 2010 http://uu.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:306475/FULLTEXT01.pdf
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