Art, Knowledge, Context. A Symposium on Artistic Research

Conference , Baulan, HDK-Valand, Kristinelundsgatan 6–8
2 October, at 09:00–16:00
Personer går på en gata, och följer ett snöre utlagt på marken.
Excursion following in the footsteps of the researchproject Sockerspelen, with doctoral students from Rio de Janeiro and Gothenburg. Photo: Nathalie Fari

Art, Knowledge, Context. A Symposium on Artistic Research

How is knowledge transmitted within your area of research? What traditions have shaped you and the way you work?

The symposium is a follow-up of the one-day conference on research data from artistic research, held at KTH, october 2024.

On this day, in cooperation with the Artistic faculty, University of Gothenburg, we'll take the entire artistic research process into considerat, and will discuss documentation of research seen in a greater perspective: In what ways can you as a researcher place yourself in a larger context and relate to the work of other researchers? And what in your own research process do you need to preserve for someone else to be able to continue working on your research question?

The symposium is aimed at doctoral students and researchers, and will combine presentations and discussions of concrete exampels. When you apply to attend, please include a brief abstract of your research, and mention ways in which you could connect your work to previous research, and how other researchers might be able to tie in with your work.

Non-research personel is also welcome to the symposium, although a majority of the seats will be researved for researchers. If you want to take part in the symposium as a representative from research support, please use your abstract to comment on a research project you have come into touch with with, and how they related to a research context and/or worked with documentation for the benefit of other researchers.
The symposium, including coffee/tea and a simple wrap lunch, is free of charge for all registered participant.

The main language during the symposium will be English, but discussion may be conducted in either English or Swedish.
More information, including details of the program, will be added shortly. See also the program notice in the central GU calendar.

Registration: opens April 26, closes May 26.

Location: Baulan, HDK-Valand, Kristinelundsgatan 6–8

Contact: Karin W. Tikkanen (SND), Monica Sand (Konstnärliga fakulteten, GU)