
SND is managed by a consortium of nine of Sweden’s largest universities. To facilitate coordination and decision-making, several groups oversee different operational and strategic matters.

The Steering Committee – overall responsibility for SND; 

SND's Steering Committee has overall responsibility for SND's operations. It consults with an advisory council with representatives from the SND Consortium on the annual budget, strategic planning, and any major changes to SND's activities. The Steering Committee is nationally representative, maintains gender balance, and includes scientific expertise relevant to SND’s work. 

Members of SND's Steering Committee: 

Hans Karlsson, Professor in theoretical chemistry, Uppsala University (chair)
Marianne Gullberg, Professor in psycholinguistics, Lund University
Sverker Holmgren, Professor in scientific computing and Director of Chalmers e-Infrastructure Commons, Chalmers University of Technology
Vigdis Kvalheim, Head of unit for research and knowledge resources, Sikt, Norway
Cecilia Martinsson Björkdahl, Head of Compliance & Data Office, Karolinska Institutet
Johan Rung, Head of SciLifeLab Data Centre, Uppsala University

The Consortium Advisory Council – advising on budget and strategy 

The SND Consortium Advisory Council serves as a forum for information exchange and consultation among the universities in the SND Consortium. The council advises the Steering Committee on the strategic plan, budget, and termination plan. Additionally, it provides input to the University of Gothenburg, which administers SND's funding, regarding the Steering Committee’s chair and composition, as well as the appointment of SND's Director and Deputy Director.

The Advisory Council does not have fixed members, but each university in the SND Consortium appoints one representative and the chair is from the University of Gothenburg. 

The DAU Council – strengthening collaboration 

The SND DAU Council aims to strengthen collaboration within the SND Consortium and act as a link between SND's Steering Committee and national research data activities. Each Consortium university appoints a representative to the council, which is chaired by Elisabeth Strandhagen, Deputy Director of SND and head of the SND Network. 

Members of SND's DAU Council:

Elisabeth Strandhagen, the SND office (convening)
Ann-Sofie Zettergren, Lund University
Fredrik Persson, Karolinska institutet
Hanna Lindroos, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Maria Kinger, Chalmers University of Technology
Magnus Lundgren, University of Gothenburg
Per-Olof Hammargren, Uppsala University
Rosa Lönneborg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Sabina Anderberg, Stockholm University
Theresa Kieselbach, Umeå University

The Director – leading daily operations 

SND's Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations, supported by a Deputy Director. The Director plans, leads, and prioritizes SND’s work and prepares decision-making materials for the Steering Committee.

The SND Management Group, which advises the Director, includes the Director, the Section Managers at the SND office, and SND's Senior Advisors.