International projects
SND participates in many international projects. These projects are an important part of SND’s collaboration with other infrastructures and presence in various scientific contexts.
ATRIUM (Advancing Frontier Research In the Arts and Humanities) is a research project funded by the European Commission. The project was launched in January 2024 for a period of four years. It bridges four European research infrastructures: DARIAH (arts and humanities), ARIADNE (archaeology), CLARIN (languages), and OPERAS (open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities), and involves 29 other organizations across 12 European countries.
An important purpose of ATRIUM is to make the resources available on, for instance, the ARIADNE portal better known and utilized by researchers in the arts and humanities, and social sciences. While new tools will be created, existing resources will be further developed and improved. Other objectives for the ATRIUM project are enhanced access to the participating research infrastructures, improved metadata quality in existing catalogues and repositories; training resources; and increased use of controlled vocabularies and ontologies for improved interoperability of various systems.
With their Transnational Access (TNA) Scheme, ATRIUM also offers grants to researchers to support training visits to leading Data Management organizations across Europe.
The research infrastructure ARIADNE RI has been awarded a one year Cost Innovators Grant (CIG), starting December 2023. Sharing Heritage and Archaeological Data Effectively (SHADE), lasts for twelve months, and the objective is to develop a sustainable and more permanent way of funding the continued operations for ARIADNE RI. The ARIADNE portal provides open access to almost 4 million interoperable and digital data resources from closer to 50 countries. The portal covers the span of human history from early hominids to the 1990s.
At the end of the funding period for ARIADNEplus, the ARIADNE Research Infrastructure (RI) was established as a not-for-profit association which plans to develop a service to maintain and develop the portal. The SHADE project aims to provide a chargeable solution that can give individuals and organizations access to the skills and tools to publish their data online, without duplicating efforts at national, regional, and local levels.
Skills4EOSC is a three year long EU-funded project. The purpose of Skills4EOSC is to create a common and coordinated ecosystem for training resources in a pan-European context. To achieve this, established key actors on national levels will collaborate to raise the skills of Open Science and open data professionals. The project will run until August 2023, and Swedish participants are SND, Chalmers University of Technology, Karolinska Institutet, and Umeå University.
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