The SND Network

The SND network consists of the Swedish higher education institutions and public research institutes that have agreed to create local units for managing research data (Data Access Units, or DAUs). The main task for a DAU is to assist researchers in their respective organization in making research data as accessible as possible in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). This includes to offer training and support to researchers in data management and secure storage, as well as to make data and metadata accessible through the SND national research data catalogue.

Map over Sweden with the organisations in the SND networkThe network members operate independently in creating their local functions for research data management but can ask SND for support and advice. SND has also developed a basic web-based training for DAU staff, BAS Online (in Swedish only). The tool “Orienteringskartan” (in Swedish only), contributes to concretizing, monitoring, and disseminating good examples of development work and measures at Swedish HEIs.

How far network members have come with their support units varies. In order to foster an exchange of knowledge and experience, SND and network members stay in close contact through the DAU network, where each member organization has a contact person, and through network meetings and various network groups.

Members of the SND network can also log into My pages to find more information and useful links, for example to the DAU Handbook, the DAU support team at the SND office, and the network's collaborative workspace on Basecamp.

Below is a complete list of organizations in the SND network. Many of these have information on their websites, which makes it possible to follow the national development on a local level. Click on the links in the list to access the units for research support at the network members.

At present, the SND network consists of the following members:

Blekinge Institute of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
Dalarna University
Halmstad University
Jönköping University
Karlstad University
Karolinska Institutet
Kristianstad University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Linköping University
Linnaeus University
Luleå University of Technology
Lund University
Malmö University
Mid Sweden University
Mälardalen University
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Royal College of Music
Sophiahemmet University
Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm University
Swedish Defence University
Swedish Geotechnical Institute
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish Veterinary Agency
Södertörn University
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
Umeå University
University College Stockholm
University of Borås
University of Gothenburg (login required)
University of Gävle
University of Skövde
University West
Uppsala University
Örebro University

Questions about the SND Network? Contact:

Deputy Director & Collaboration Manager
Elisabeth Strandhagen
Phone +46 (0)31-786 64 94