About Researchdata.se

Decorativ image with the text "Find, share, reuse – your portal to research data"

Researchdata.se is a national web portal where you can find, share, and reuse research data from a wide range of disciplines. SND is responsible for the operation, coordination, and development of Researchdata.se.

Researchdata.se focuses on searchability and access to data, making it easy to navigate thousands of datasets to find what you are looking for. Researchdata.se also provides practical information on professional research data management in accordance with the FAIR principles, along with services and training resources from Swedish National Data Service (SND) and other national and international organizations.

Researchdata.se is an important part of the efforts to realize the goal from EU and the Swedish government of open access to publicly funded research data from 2026. It also serves as a platform for national collaboration between research infrastructures and has developed in cooperation with several key organizations in the field of research data, such as the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Huminfra, InfraVis, NBIS, SBDI, SciLifeLab, SITES, and Swedigarch.  

Researchdata.se facilitates collaboration between universities, research infrastructures, and other research organizations in Sweden by bringing together expertise, tools, and services on a shared platform. In doing so, Researchdata.se enhances opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, and promotes more efficient and sustainable research data management. 

Researchdata.se will continue to evolve, focusing on new features, tools, and training resources. New collaboration partners will join us in the future. 


Contact us if you have any questions: