Welcome to an in-person network meeting in Stockholm

Network Meeting , Stockholm University
16 October 2024, at 13:00 – 17 October 2024 at 13:00

Network meeting in Stockholm 2024

Welcome to SND’s network meeting in Stockholm!

SND's in-person network meeting for autumn 2024 is located at Stockholm University; it begins on Wednesday, 16 October at 13:00, and ends with lunch on Thursday, 17 October. The theme is “Research data – from seed to loaf,” which aims to highlight the various roles and responsibilities related to the processing of research data, and SND’s coordinating function in the research data landscape.

The network meeting will be held in Aula Magna from 13:00 on Wednesday 16 October through lunch on Thursday 17 October. 

The Wednesday program wraps up around 17:00 and is followed by a supper at Värdshuset Kräftan at 17:30.
The Thursday program begins at 08:30.

There will also be several additional workshops on Wednesday morning (10:00 to 12:00) and Thursday afternoon (13:00 to 15:30).


Day 1, Wednesday 16 October

The program kicks off with “Sedan senast och på gång inom SND”, with the latest news and what’s on at SND, before representatives from Stockholm University present their work with research data.

SND's Director, Eva Stensköld, introduces the theme “Research data – from seed to loaf.” In this section of the program we take a look at the perspective of the authorities and their requirements in the various stages of the research data life cycle. Thomas Neidenmark from the Government Offices, Sofia Särdquist from Riksarkivet (the Swedish National Archives), Ulrika Domellöf-Matsson from Digg, the Agency for Digital Government, and Maria Skoglund from SND present different roles and requirements during the research data process.

Johan Fröberg from the National Library of Sweden and Sanja Halling from the Swedish Research Council will discuss their respective organizations’ roles as coordinators of open science in a conversation with Karin Westin Tikkanen from SND.

Day 2, Thursday 17 October

Day 2 is devoted to the researcher’s perspective of the “Research data – from seed to loaf” theme. The program is led by Monica Lassi, who weaves a red thread through the morning with the work she has done in mapping business architecture and research data.

There will be presentations from Maria Almbro, Stockholm University, Rosa Lönneborg, KTH, Gerolf Nauwerck, Uppsala University, Milijana Deric, Luleå University of Technology, and Olof Olsson, SND. They will also be joined by researchers, and there will be some interactive parts of the program.


Day 1 (10:00–12:00):

KI:s flaggskepp: tekniska lösningar för lagring och utdelning av öppna respektive skyddsvärda data (The KI Flagship: technical solutions for storage and disclosure of open and sensitive data)
KI Data Repository (KI DR) are, as part of the KI Flagship, working on a storage solution that can be integrated with a two-factor authentication for disclosing sensitive data, such as medical research data containing personal information. The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate knowledge exchange between universities by presenting existing and planned storage solutions, and to discuss the pros and cons of these solutions.
(Information about the venue to come.)

SND för nytillkomna (SND for newcomers)
An introduction to SND and the work with open access to research data.
(Information about the venue to come.)

Day 2 (13:00–15:30):

LU:s flaggskepp: Långsiktigt bevarande och tillgängliggörande av komplexa databaser (The Lund University Flagship: Long-term preservation and access to complex databases)
Despite existing infrastructure solutions for storing and sharing datasets, there is still a need for flexible IT solutions that guarantee long-term preservation and access to complex databases from research projects, especially in the humanities and social sciences. In this workshop, representatives from the LU Flagship will present the Heurist tool; an online platform to develop, share, and preserve smaller research databases. Participants will receive an introduction to the functions and uses of Heurist, and an opportunity to try the tool for themselves in a test environment.
(Information about the venue to come.)

GIS i repris (GIS encore)
An introduction to and exercise in working with GIS data. This workshop builds on a similar workshop from the network meeting at KI in autumn 2022, but with some new information and features. SND Domain Specialist Ulf Jansson (SU) will introduce some key concepts of geographical data and how to open common GIS data files with the QGIS software. We will also present a checklist with the most important things to think about when reviewing datasets with geographical data. No previous knowledge is necessary.
(Information about the venue to come.)

Rutiner för granskningsprocessen (Routines for the review process)
In this workshop, representatives from SND, SLU, and some additional universities will address how the routines in the processes for review and curation of research data can be organized. This is an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, and to discuss solutions to any problems you have.
(Information about the venue to come.)

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the network meeting is held in Swedish.

When: 16 October 13:00 –17 October 12:00 (see the information on workshops).

WhereAula Magna, Stockholms University

Registration: Registration is now closed.

Digital participation: It will be possible to participate on Zoom (link to be published at a later date).

Contact: Elisabeth Strandhagen