23 May 2024, at 14:00–16:00
In this webinar, we will learn more about the flagship projects that are currently underway in the SND Consortium. Flagships are time-limited projects aimed at supporting open access to research data in a broad sense. This means that a key aspect of the flagship projects is to share knowledge, experience, and methods from the projects. We will hear short presentations and have an opportunity to ask questions to representatives from the projects. This webinar will be followed by more hands-on workshops in autumn.
There are currently four active flagship projects:
- Chalmers and KTH: Efficient reuse of administrative research information from project initiation to data publication
- Karolinska Institutet: KI Data Repository – Phase 1: interim solution for local storage without integration with DORIS
- Lund University: Preserved and accessible databases
- Stockholm University: Certification of the Bolin Centre Database – a repository for climate, environmental, and earth system data at Stockholm University
Read more about the flagships here.
When: 23 May, 14:00–16:00
Where: Zoom webinar
Contact: Johan Fihn Marberg