RDA-Nordic webinar - machine actionable DMPs

29 June 2022, at 14:00–15:30

After our successful webinar series on FAIR research software RDA-Nordic will now broaden its scope and invite RDA working groups / interest groups. Our next webinar will be on machine actionable Data Management plans.

The goal of a machine-actionable DMP is to facilitate a research data management (RDM) system that allows data and information about research to be communicated and shared across stakeholders, linking metadata, repositories, and institutions


When: 29. June 2022, 14.00-15.30

Where: online, Registration 



Tomasz Miksa (SBA Research, Austria) - DMP common standards (RDA WG)

Shannon Sheridan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US) - Disciplinary-specific guidance for data management plans (RDA WG)

Jeremy Azzopardi (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) - Connecting research support systems, using machine actionable DMPs: The Open Data Flagship pilot 2022

The goal of a machine-actionable DMP is to facilitate a research data management (RDM) system that allows data and information about research to be communicated and shared across stakeholders, linking metadata, repositories, and institutions.



Tomasz Miksa (Dr. techn.) is a senior researcher and an expert in data management and design of research data repositories. His areas of expertise include also reproducibility of computational workflows, auditability and digital preservation. In 2011, he received his MSc in systems and computer networks from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland. In 2016, he received his PhD in computer science from the TU Wien for his work on verification and validation of scientific workflow re-executions.

He also chairs the DMP Common Standards working group at the Research Data Alliance that works to realise machine-actionable Data Management Plans and coordinates their deployment at major Austrian universities within the FAIR Data Austria project.

Shannon Sheridan is the Research Data Librarian at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the United States. She has a Master;s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh. She is a co-chair with the RDA Working Group Discipline-specific Guidance for Data Management Plans, and actively participates in other RDA and Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) groups. Shannon is interested in engaging researchers with data management best practices, no matter their discipline. 

Jeremy Azzopardi is a digital research engineer at Chalmers e-Commons. He is part Chalmers Data Office, working on research data management questions together with librarians, archivists and IT experts.


Do you have questions about the event? Contact Martin Brandhagen, martin.brandhagen@snd.gu.se