EOSC – what is happening and how do Swedish actors contribute?

Webinar , Zoom
11 December 2024, at 13:00–14:30

EOSC logotypA lot is happening within EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) right now, and we would like to follow up on our previous webinars on EOSC with an update on the current situation.

In this webinar, we will feature the following segments:

  • Eva Stensköld (SND) provides a general overview of the current developments within EOSC.
  • Sumithra Velupillai (Swedish Research Council) explains the Swedish Research Council’s role and work as a so-called “Mandated Organisation”
  • Leif Johansson (Sunet) discusses the establishment of the EOSC EU Node
  • Jonas Söderberg (NBIS), Johan Fihn Marberg (SND), Rikard Lövström (SciLifeLab), and Ulf Jakobsson (SND) represent the four EOSC-A Task Forces and explain their objectives
  • William Gothlin Illsley (SND) provides an update on developments within Skills4EOSC.

When: 11 December 13:00–14:30

Where: On Zoom

Contact: Elisabeth Strandhagen elisabeth.strandhagen@snd.se