Analyzing text collections in Mink – Språkbanken’s data platform

26 February, at 13:30–14:30

Språkbanken textSpråkbanken Text develop language research data and digital research platforms at the University of Gothenburg. You can use their Mink platform to apply language technology methods on automatic analysis of your text collections. The resulting data can be used for further analysis on the Korp and Strix platforms.

In this webinar you will get an introduction to Mink and to how you can use it to process and analyze text material. Step by step, we will guide you through how a text data collection is managed – from deposit to further analysis.

When: 26 February 13:30–14:30.

Where: Webinar on Zoom (no registration needed).

Contact: Arild Matsson, Research engineer, Språkbanken Text (