On the 1st of February 2024, Eva Stensköld will assume the position of Director for the Swedish National Data Service. With her extensive expertise in open science and experience from the research policy sector, she will be an important addition to the organization in an increasingly open and ever-changing data landscape.
Eva most recently comes from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, where she works as a Research Manager, and she has previously held a similar role at the Swedish Research Council. She has also served as a Desk Officer at both the Ministry of Education and Research (Utbildningsdepartementet) and the Ministry of Culture (Kulturdepartementet). Her academic background is in Cultural Studies with a specialization in Archaeology and Human Geography from Stockholm University, where she also received her doctoral degree in 2004.
Eva has long been familiar with SND's activities, for instance from her role as Senior Research Officer at the Swedish Research Council's council for research infrastructures, where she was responsible for the international evaluation of SND. She has closely monitored SND's transformation into a distributed large-scale infrastructure for management and sharing of research data, with an extensive network that now includes the majority of all Swedish higher education institutions and several public research institutes.
With over 15 years of experience in open science, digitalization, research infrastructures, and collaboration across various sectors, Eva Stensköld possesses a broad perspective on the research policy landscape, nationally as well as internationally – an essential attribute for continuing to develop SND into a vital national strategic resource for open access to research data.
I am very happy to have been trusted with this responsibility and I look forward to, together with capable colleagues in the organization and throughout the extensive SND network, provide the services and expertise in this part of open science that Swedish research demands and needs – today and tomorrow.
SND extends our warmest welcome and will introduce Eva in more detail after she assumes her role as Director on the 1st of February 2024.