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We have launched a new page for searching and finding data on the SND web site. This page will make it easier for users to find the data-related resources which can be accessed via SND. You can find links to the SND collections and special...
… We have launched a new page for searching and finding data on the SND web site. This page … new web page will also serve to highlight data in the SND research data catalogue , for instance by listing the latest … through to the new page. … A New Page Makes It Easier to Search and Find Data on the SND Website …
Good research data management is of great importance for high quality research. To avoid significant problems later in the data creation and curation phases, it is necessary to start proper research data management planning before research project...
… Good research data management is of great importance for high quality research. To avoid significant problems later in the data … and curation phases, it is necessary to start proper research data management planning before research project …
Fundamental principles Lawful bases for personal data processing in research Sensitive personal data Direct and indirect personal data Indirect identification Personal data in audio, image, and video files Storing personal data Personal data are any...
… principles Lawful bases for personal data processing in research Sensitive personal data Direct and indirect personal … website . Lawful bases for personal data processing in research All processing of personal data must be based on one … basis of public interest  in personal data processing for research purposes. As HEIs have a legal obligation to carry …
Do you have questions about data management, FAIR and open research data? Welcome to our online question time sessions focusing on different research areas. On this occasion, we will cover research data in the earth and environmental sciences...
… Do you have questions about data management, FAIR and open research data? Welcome to our online question time sessions focusing on different research areas. On this occasion, we will cover research data in the earth and environmental sciences. …
In a population that steadily grows older it is important to study how aging is changing. Interwievs covering information on social factors to neurochemical analyzes, provides the facts needed when society shall support active aging. The world’s...
… society shall support active aging. The world’s foremost research done in this field originates from Gothenburg. The … types of data. The H70 study is coordinated by several research groups, especially within psychiatry, geriatric … scientists have been world leading regarding in research regarding older people's living conditions for more …
During autumn, the research programme Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) has kicked off with SND as one of nearly 40 participating parties. The purpose of the programme is to create a more sustainable, democratic, and open use of the ocean, and in...
… During autumn, the research programme Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue (C2B2) has … “SND’s role will be to promote access to open data for researchers in marine research projects. We will also contribute to making sure that …
Research documentation, the ability to manage and access scientific records and data in the short and long term, is an imperative for good quality in research and scientific practice. Research documentation is also an important part of the scientific...
… Research documentation, the ability to manage and access … short and long term, is an imperative for good quality in research and scientific practice. Research documentation is also an important part of the …
Population research is a field that can be particularly challenging in the efforts to make data accessible. That is stated by Anna Axmon, associate professor at Lund University and domain specialist number two in SND’s web series with the SND domain...
… Population research is a field that can be particularly challenging in … entire set of issues. Anna Axmon is part of the EPI@LUND research group in the Division of Occupational and … and project manager for LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform), a multi-disciplinary infrastructure …
On 3–4 March, SND, SNIC, and SUNET organize a webinar and open forum to introduce and discuss the common API that's been developed for indexing research data. The API connects the SND system (DORIS) to the storage solutions at the Swedish higher...
… discuss the common API that's been developed for indexing research data. The API connects the  SND system (DORIS)  to … institutions (HEI), and makes it possible to make research data accessible without having them leave the HEI. … SND The SND data dissemination services: the API for research data indexing (storage API) and DORIS,  SND 10-minute …
Have you ever needed advice on how to prepare your data for research? Have you ever asked an experienced programmer/researcher about known errors and problems with a specific register? Or worse, did you discover the data errors after you ran your...
… you ever needed advice on how to prepare your data for research? Have you ever asked an experienced programmer/researcher about known errors and problems with a specific … you construct new variables adapted to special types of research problems? The workshop is open to researchers within …