Contact Research Data Consulting

SND has many employees with extensive experience in managing research data from various scientific fields. Several of our research data specialists also contribute to the establishment of Data Access Units at Swedish universities and other research organizations. They also work on the development of SND's services and tools for finding, describing, managing, and sharing research data.

Iris Alfredsson

Senior Advisor

Coordinates SND's work within CESSDA and participates in other international collaborations and projects.

Per Bergström

Research Data Advisor

Eira Brandby

Research Data Advisor

+46 (0)31 - 786 64 95

+46 (0)766 - 18 64 95

Joel Carlsten Rosberg

Research Data Advisor and Communications Officer

+46 (0)31 - 786 13 08

+46 (0)766 - 18 13 08

Madeleine Dutoit

Training Coordinator

Stefan Ekman

Senior Advisor

Ph.D. and Associate Professor in English Literature. Works with outreach activities and strategic support.

+46 (0)31 - 786 65 75

+46 (0)766-18 65 75

Elin Hallman

Research Data Advisor

William Illsley

Research Data Advisor

MA Archaeology, Doctoral Candidate in Comparative Literature. Working primarily with data from archaeology, cultural heritage and humanities.

+46 (0)31 - 786 65 52

+46 (0)766 - 18 65 52

Ulf Jakobsson

Research Data Advisor

Works with questions related to FAIR, data management and DMP. Responsible for SND's Checklist for data management plan. Coordinates SND's work in ARIADNE RI, and the EU projects ATRIUM and SHADE.

André Jernung

Research Data Advisor

Data from all fields of research.
Works with issues concerning data formats and software published alongside research data.

+46 (0)31 - 786 27 47

+46 (0)766 - 18 27 47

Rufus Latham

Research Data Advisor

Quantitative data within the social sciences. Dissemination of research data.

+46 (0)31 - 786 12 10

+46 (0)766 - 18 12 10

Gustav Nilsonne

Senior Advisor

MD, PhD, associate professor in neuroscience. Working with open science, particularly open data.

Dimitar Popovski

Research Data Advisor

Responsible for incoming data and support for publishing of international data related to the University of Gothenburg. Working primarily with quantitative data within the social sciences.

+46 (0)31 - 786 37 02

+46 (0)766 - 18 37 02

David Rayner

Training Coordinator

Coordinates education ventures. Liaise with researchers and domain specialists to identify new functionality to support earth and environmental sciences.

+46 (0)738 - 54 24 04

Arin Tham Savran

Research Data Advisor

Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies. Works primarily with qualitative data. Coordinates SND:s participation in the Horizon Europe funded 'Skills4EOSC' project.

Karin Westin Tikkanen

Senior Advisor

Associate professor in Latin. Active within Open Science and Open Data, in particular within the Humanities and the Arts.

+46 (0)31 - 786 12 04

+46 (0)733 - 46 83 31

SND's domain specialists are experts in various scientific domains – a term we use for different research disciplines as well as interdisciplinary special areas. The role of domain specialist is to support researchers and research data functions at the HEIs in matters concerning research data and open access. Physically, they are located at our nine consortium universities, but they function as a national resource for all Swedish HEIs.

Lars Eklund

National Coordinator for Domain Specialists and Domain Specialist for Sensitive Data

Advisor on matters related to sensitive data and sensitive personal information, especially regarding GDPR and re-identification, representative in RDA Sensitive Data Interest Group.

Anna Axmon, LU

Domain Specialist in Population Research

Statistician, PhD, associate professor. Working with epidemiological studies, primarily register and other population based studies. Project manager for LUPOP (

+46 (0)72 - 559 61 43

Nicolo Dell'Unto, LU

Domain Specialist in Acheology

Professor of Archaeology. Work focuses on 3D visualization and quantitative methods in archaeology.

Ulf Jansson, SU

Domain Specialist for Spatial Data

PhD in Human Geography. My teaching and research is done within the fields of historical geography, landscape studies, agriculture, forestry, cartography and GIS.

Marcus Lundberg

Domain Specialist for Sensitive Data

Karina Nilsson, UMU

Domain Specialist for Register-Based Research

Emilie Stroh

Domain Specialist for sensitive data and GIS data

Ph.D. and researcher in epidemiology with a focus on environmental exposures and GIS studies. Project Manager for LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform: Project Manager for Lund University's project on the establishment of the e-Infrastructure Unit.

+46 (0)46 - 222 16 52

Ida Taberman

Domain Specialist in Climate and Environmental Data

+46 (0)90 - 786 82 16

Ylva Toljander

Domain Specialist in Climate and Environmental Data

Information Specialist and Ecologist, mainly in microbial ecology. I work in research support regarding the preservation and publication of research data and with bibliometrics.