Contact Communication and administration

Joel Carlsten Rosberg

Research Data Advisor and Communications Officer

+46 (0)31 - 786 13 08

+46 (0)766 - 18 13 08

Stefan Hilmarsson

Communications Officer

Lisa Isaksson

Administrator and Language Coordinator

Language work: Translations, editing, proof-reading, terminology work (ELSST, CESSDA) etc.
Administration: Travel arrangements and expenses, purchases, meeting arrangements etc.

+46 (0)31 - 786 65 95

+46 (0)766 - 18 65 95

Helena Rohdén

Communications Officer

Journalist and political scientist with a research focus on the labour market, welfare, gender, and voting behaviour.
Works i.a. with news and text production, and with language and education issues.

+46 (0)31 - 786 12 01

+46 (0)766 - 18 12 01

Erica Schweder

Legal Officer (administration)

Anna Süpke

Legal advisor

Legal advisor with focus on personal data, contractual law and public access to information and secrecy matters.

+46 (0)70 – 76 430 76