Contact Research Domain specialists

SND's domain specialists are experts in various scientific domains – a term we use for different research disciplines as well as interdisciplinary special areas. The role of domain specialist is to support researchers and research data functions at the HEIs in matters concerning research data and open access. Physically, they are located at our nine consortium universities, but they function as a national resource for all Swedish HEIs.

Lars Eklund

National Coordinator for Domain Specialists and Domain Specialist for Sensitive Data

Advisor on matters related to sensitive data and sensitive personal information, especially regarding GDPR and re-identification, representative in RDA Sensitive Data Interest Group.

Anna Axmon, LU

Domain Specialist in Population Research

Statistician, PhD, associate professor. Working with epidemiological studies, primarily register and other population based studies. Project manager for LUPOP (

+46 (0)72 - 559 61 43

Nicolo Dell'Unto, LU

Domain Specialist in Acheology

Professor of Archaeology. Work focuses on 3D visualization and quantitative methods in archaeology.

Ulf Jansson, SU

Domain Specialist for Spatial Data

PhD in Human Geography. My teaching and research is done within the fields of historical geography, landscape studies, agriculture, forestry, cartography and GIS.

Marcus Lundberg

Domain Specialist for Sensitive Data

Karina Nilsson, UMU

Domain Specialist for Register-Based Research

Emilie Stroh

Domain Specialist for sensitive data and GIS data

Ph.D. and researcher in epidemiology with a focus on environmental exposures and GIS studies. Project Manager for LUPOP (Lund University Population Research Platform: Project Manager for Lund University's project on the establishment of the e-Infrastructure Unit.

+46 (0)46 - 222 16 52

Ida Taberman

Domain Specialist in Climate and Environmental Data

+46 (0)90 - 786 82 16

Ylva Toljander

Domain Specialist in Climate and Environmental Data

Information Specialist and Ecologist, mainly in microbial ecology. I work in research support regarding the preservation and publication of research data and with bibliometrics.