On the 14th of June, the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) became an ERIC. ERIC stands for European Research Infrastructure Consortium, and is a specific legal form administrated by the European Commission. CESSDA ERIC will continue to be a sustainable research infrastructure, with the aim of enabling the research community to conduct high-quality research.
CESSDA was founded in 1976 as an informal umbrella organisation for the national data archives in the European countries. SND’s predecessor, SSD, joined in 1980. CESSDA is on the ESFRI Roadmap since 2006, and has been a legal institution since 2013. 15 European countries, including Sweden, are currently members of CESSDA.
In connection with becoming CESSDA ERIC, CESSDA launched a new website. You can now read more about CESSDA ERIC and their work at www.cessda.eu.