Contact IT

Johan Fihn Marberg
Head of IT
Responsible for the IT team and all IT related issues.
+46 (0)31 - 786 12 52
+46 (0)766 - 18 12 52

Alireza Davoudian
System Developer
M.Sc in Computer Engineering
System developer with focus on backend and frontend.
System developer with focus on backend and frontend.

Emma Hansson
System Developer
System developer with focus on frontend and backend.

Stefan Jakobsson
Deputy head of IT and System Developer
Master of Science in Computer Engineering. System developer mainly focused on backend. Involved in matters concerning persistent identifiers, and is responsible for SND:s technical integration with DataCite.
+46 (0)31 - 786 66 59
+46 (0)766 - 18 66 59

Hasse Lans
System Developer
System developer with focus on backend.

Joakim Larsson
System Developer
System developer - frontend.

Tobias Linde
System Developer
System developer with focus on frontend. Works with Javascript (Vue.js, TypeScript) & CSS.

Alicia Olsbänning
IT Technician
user tech support, IT-purchases/inventory, software licences, unix server management

Olof Olsson
IT Architect
Works with metadata standards and web systems for metadata management.

Lars Pettersson
System Administrator