Reminder: Support for transnational access to official microdata – call for research proposals under the FP7 EU project "Data without Boundaries" (DwB)


Reminder: Support for transnational access to official microdata – call for research proposals under the FP7 EU project "Data without Boundaries" (DwB)

To enhance access across borders to official microdata, the FP7-funded Data without Boundaries project offers different kinds of support for
the work with highly-detailed data from a number of European countries. Depending upon the Research Data Centre, available datasets
are business data and household surveys considered to be too detailed, confidential or sensitive to be provided through standard access

There are three remaining opportunities to apply. The deadlines for submitting proposals are 15th of April, 15th June and 15th of October 2014.

Please, read further information and the instructions on how to apply carefully here.

Further details on DwB

FP7 EU project "Data without Boundaries" (DwB