RECODE Workshop WP3: “Policy Recommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe: Legal and ethical challenges”


Policy Recommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe:
Legal and ethical challenges
Date: 14 March 2014
Time: 9:00-17:30 (To be finalised)
Providing open access to research data implicates a number of potential legal and ethical challenges, including intellectual property rights, privacy and data protection, academic freedom, misappropriation as well as others. In order to fully realise the potential benefits of open access to research data, these legal and ethical challenges must be identified and good practice solutions must be sought.
This workshop will examine the legal and ethical challenges and potential solutions associated with providing open access to research data. The workshop will be a multi-disciplinary space where a range of different types of stakeholders will provide their perspective on the challenges identified by the research group, suggest additional or alternate challenges and identify and evaluate proposed good practice solutions to address these challenges. Workshop participants will add their unique stakeholder and disciplinary perspective to the project’s initial findings in this area. Through their participation in the workshop discussions, participants will also provide input into the policy recommendations produced in the RECODE project.
We hope you will be able to join us! To register please visit our website.
eHumanities Group
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Joan Muyskenweg 25, 1096 CJ
Amsterdam (NL)
(N.B. Travel bursaries are available for European participants. Please contact if you would like to enquire about such support.)

RECODE project
eHumanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Joan Muyskenweg 25, 1096 CJ, Amsterdam (NL)