Initiative Seminar on Big Data


Big Data: From Life Sciences, Engineering and Social Sciences to Business Analytics

Everywhere we look, the quantity of data is exponentially growing, fueled by the pervasive diffusion of digitalization in modern life. The fields of science, engineering, technology and even social sciences and humanities are undergoing a profound transformation to a data driven approach.   We are entering an era of data-intensive knowledge discovery and analysis, and understanding and using this growing body of information will be one of the greatest scientific and engineering challenges of the 21st century.
The two-day Chalmers Initiative Seminar on Big Data will take place on 25 and 26 March 2014. The seminar will offer insight into a range of research challenges related to big data in areas such as life sciences, digital humanities, engineering sciences, natural sciences, and business. We have invited a group of researchers at the top of their field to come to Gothenburg and share cutting-edge works in their respective fields, helping us better understand the diverse and complementary aspects of big data. Besides the top-level researchers invited, the seminar will also draw strong interest and participation from global hi-tech industries. Participants in the seminar will be researchers from the Nordic area investing one or two full days to gain knowledge about the challenges and potentials of big data.
Room RunAn, Chalmers Conference Centre, Campus Johanneberg