On this page you will find all of the collections in the SND registry. The list is arranged by subject, and will be updated and expanded as more collections are added. Click on a collection to find more information about the studies and data in it.
A collection consists of several studies or data descriptions that are somehow connected. It can be a longer research series (such as the National SOM Survey), a research infrastructure (such as NEAR – National E-infrastructure for Aging Research in Sweden), or studies made during the same research expedition (such as Arctic Ocean 2016).
You can also find two special collections: Swedish Party Programmes and Election Manifestos and The Swedish Gallup Archive1942–1956. These special collections contain large amounts of material and thus have separate search functions.
Social Sciences and Humanities
- The National SOM survey (63)
- The Regional Western Sweden SOM survey (40)
- Environment for Development (30)
- ESS - European Social Survey (7)
- Eurobarometer (5)
- Census of the population (18)
- Institutional Trust (34)
- ISSP - International Social Survey Programme (53)
- Swedish journalist suveys (11)
- Local study of reading habits (20)
- Citizen surveys (4)
- Media barometer (45)
- Media Election Survey (20)
- Quality of Government (14)
- SOM - Special studies (18)
- The Regional Skåne SOM survey (6)
- The Regional Värmland SOM survey (4)
- The Student SOM survey (21)
- Swedish opinion (7)
- Swedish Election Studies - European parliament elections (12)
- Swedish Election Studies - Referendums (4)
- Swedish Election Studies - Parliamentary elections (22)
- Swedish Electoral Data (49)
- Sweden now (115)
- SVT exit poll surveys (36)
- SwedPop (3)
- Road safety survey (78)
- Evaluation of the commune reapportionment reform (10)
- Roads and traffic (6)
- Welfare surveys (6)
Environment, Climate and Earth Sciences
- Arctic Ocean 2016 (11)
- Phenology observations and studies (6)
- Icebreaker Oden (31)
- Target-tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI) (7)
Medicine and Health Sciences
- CAN:s Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (2)
- Health on equal terms? - Västra Götaland (15)
- National public health survey, Health on equal terms (11)
- NEAR - National E-Infrastructure for Aging Research in Sweden (41)
- REWHARD - RElations, Work and Health across the life-course - A Research Data infrastructure (13)
- SHARE - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (8)
- SIMPLER - Swedish Infrastructure for Medical Population-Based Life-Course and Environmental Research (2)
- Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME) (86)
- Swedish Cohort Consortium ( (80)
- Swedish Diet Cohort Consortium (SDCC) (16)
- Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children, Sweden (8)
- The Swedish Twin Registry (5)
Language Resources
Interdisciplinary Datasets