Collection Media Election Survey

SND-ID: media-election-survey.

Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection


The Media Election Surveys have been conducted since 1979 at the University of Gothenburg and have since been managed by Kent Asp, now at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication. The surveys have been used to explore the election coverage in press, radio and TV, its relevance for the election result and what affects the picture media. The referenda on nuclear power and EU membership have been analysed in the same way.

Kind of collection


Research area

Energy and natural resources (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Elections (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Political ideology (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Politics (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Media and communications (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Geographic location



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Asp (2006) Mediernas uppgifter i valdemokratin i Bäck & Gilljam (red.) Valets mekanismer. Stockholm: Liber.
Swepub | Institutional Repository

Asp, K. (2003) Medieval 2002 : partiskhet och valutgången : en studie av valrörelsens medialisering. Arbetsrapport. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Google Books

Asp, K. (2006). Rättvisa nyhetsmedier: partiskheten under 2006 års medievalrörelse. Göteborg: Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation, Göteborgs universitet.
University of Gothenburg | Libris | Institutional Repository | Swepub

Asp, K., & Hedberg, P. (1989) Massmedieundersökning valet 1988. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.

Asp, K., Hedberg, P., & Esaiasson, P. (1985) Massmedieundersökning : folkomröstningen 1980 : teknisk rapport. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
ISSN: 0282-311X

Asp, K., Hedberg, P., & Esaiasson, P. (1985) Massmedieundersökning : valet 1979 : teknisk rapport. Göteborg: Department of Political Science. ISSN 0282-311X.
ISSN: 0282-311X

Asp, K., Hedberg, P., & Esaiasson, P. (1985) Massmedieundersökning : valet 1982 : teknisk rapport. Göteborg: Department of Political Science. ISSN 0282-311X.
ISSN: 0282-311X

Asp, K., Hedberg, P., & Esaiasson, P. (1988) Massmedieundersökning : valet 1985 : teknisk rapport. Göteborg: Department of Political Science. ISSN 0282-311X.
ISSN: 0282-311X

Asp, K., Johansson, B., & Nilsson, Å. (2000) Medievalsundersökningen 1998 : teknisk rapport. Work report. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Google Books

Holmberg, Sören & Asp, Kent (1984) Kampen om kärnkraften : några resultat från väljar- och mediestudier i samband med 1980 års folkomröstning. Göteborg: Dept. of Political Science

Johansson, Bengt, Asp, Kent & Nilsson, Åsa (2001). Medievalsundersökningen 1998. Göteborg University
Institutional Repository | Swepub

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First published dataset: 1986-01-01
Last updated dataset: 2020-05-14