Collection Swedish journalist suveys

SND-ID: swedish-journalist.

Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection


The Swedish journalist survey is conducted at Dept of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG) at the University of Gothenburg. The questionnaire is submitted to randomly selected journalists from all over Sweden.

The purpose of the study is to investigate how Swedish journalists perceive themselves and society, their professional role and work situation, the problems related to their code of professional ethics and the developments in the media sector.

The first survey was done in 1989 and has conducted six times since than, most recently in 2011. The results are presented in the books Den svenska journalistkåren (Asp, 2007) and Svenska journalister 1989-2011 (Asp, 2012). The studies have also resulted in several articles and several doctoral dissertations in the academic study of journalism.

The Swedish media system has changed dramatically since 1989. The state’s broadcast media monopoly has been abolished, commercial radio and TV, the Internet and a number of new media have emerged, and the work methods have changed, largely as a result of new technologies becoming available.


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The Swedish journalist survey is conducted at Dept of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG) at the University of Gothenburg. The questionnaire is submitted to randomly selected journalists from all over Sweden.

The purpose of the study is to investigate how Swedish journalists perceive themselves and society, their professional role and work situation, the problems related to their code of professional ethics and the developments in the media sector.

The first survey was done in 1989 and has conducted six times since than, most recently in 2011. The results are presented in the books Den svenska journalistkåren (Asp, 2007) and Svenska journalister 1989-2011 (Asp, 2012). The studies have also resulted in several articles and several doctoral dissertations in the academic study of journalism.

The Swedish media system has changed dramatically since 1989. The state’s broadcast media monopoly has been abolished, commercial radio and TV, the Internet and a number of new media have emerged, and the work methods have changed, largely as a result of new technologies becoming available.

landscape. Many questions asked as part of the survey are therefore the exact same as those asked in the very first survey in 1989. The long duration of the study is unique, both nationally and internationally.
The long survey series is unique in an international perspective. A similar survey series are only available in the U.S. Show less..

Kind of collection


Research area

Employment (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Working conditions (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media and communications (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Information society (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Geographic location



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Andersson, A M. (1997) Vem är den svenske journalisten? - En studie av journalistkåren i yrkesliv och vardagsliv 1994 - 1995. Report no. 73. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Andersson, U 2008, 'Journalists' attitudes to readership studies: a study of newspaper journalists and editors-in-chief in Sweden' Paper presented at, Aten, Greece, 19-05-08 - 22-05-08,

Andersson, U 2009, Journalister och deras publik: förhållningssätt bland svenska journalister. Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation (JMG), Göteborg. Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och masskommunikation, no. 55
Swepub | GU | Google Books
ISSN: 1101-4652
ISBN: 9789188212740

Andersson, Ulrika & Jenny Wiik (2013). Journalism Meets Management: Changing Leadership in Swedish News Organizations. Journalism Practice 7(6), 705-719.
GU | Swepub
ISSN: 1751-2786

Andersson, Ulrika (2013). Contribution or Constrain? Audience interaction in online newspapers in Sweden. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies.

Andersson, Ulrika (2013). Maintaining Power by Guarding the Gates: Journalists' Perceptions of Audience Participation in Online Newspapers. Journalism and Mass Communication 3(1), 1-13.
Swepub | GU
ISSN: 2160-6579

Asp, K (ed.) 2007, Den svenska journalistkåren. Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation (JMG), Göteborg. Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och masskommunikation, no. 48
Swepub | GU | Libris
ISSN: 1101-4652
ISBN: 978-91-88212-01-6

Asp, K (ed.) 2012, Svenska journalister 1989-2011. Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation (JMG), Göteborg.
ISBN: 9789188212511

Bergström, Annika & Ingela Wadbring (2012). Journalists and audiences as obstacles and opportunities for reader comments, 4th European Communication Conference, Ecrea 2012, 24-27 October, Istanbul . s. 18.

Bergström, Annika & Ulrika Hedman (2013). Where the (inter)action is: Journalists' and the audiences' social media use, Future of Journalism 2013, 11–13 September, Cardiff, UK.

Edström, Maria & M. Ladendorf (2012). Flexible Careers for Traditions or Modernity - Gendered Negotiations among Freelance Journalists, ECREA 4th European Communication Conference, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2012.

Edström, Maria & M. Ladendorf (2012). Freelance Journalists as a Flexible Workforce in Media Industries. Journalism Practice 6(5-6), 711-721.
Swepub | GU

Ghersetti, Marina (2012). Journalistikens nyhetsvärdering. I Lars Nord & Jesper Strömbäck (red)Medierna och demokratin, s. 205-232. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
GU | Swepub
ISBN: 978-91-44-07666-9

Hedman, Ulrika & Monika Djerf-Pierre (2013). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide?, ICA 2013, 17–21 June, London.
GU | Swepub

Hedman, Ulrika & Monika Djerf-Pierre (2013). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide?. Digital Journalism 1(3), 368-385.
Swepub | GU
ISSN: 2167-0811

Jenny Wiik (2009) Identities under construction: professional journalism in a phase of destabilization, International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 19:2, 351-365, DOI:10.1080/03906700902833676
Swepub | GU

Johansson Bengt, Djerf-Pierre Monika, Börjesson Britt, & Weibull Lennart (2001). Journalist 2000. (JMG Granskaren, 2001:2-3). Göteborg: Instutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation vid Göteborgs universitet
Institutional Repository | Swepub | Libris

Weibull, Lennart & Asp, Kent (eds.) (1991) Svenska journalister - ett grupporträtt. Stockholm: Tiden.
Libris | Google Books
ISBN: 9789155037376

Weibull, Lennart (1995) Journalister om journalisten. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Libris | Google Books

Wiik, J 2010, Journalism in transition: the professional identity of Swedish journalists. Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för journalistik och masskommunikation (JMG), Göteborg. Göteborgsstudier i journalistik och masskommunikation, no. 59
Google Books | Swepub | GU | Libris
ISSN: 1101-4652
ISBN: 9789188212801

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First published dataset: 2013-10-22
Last updated dataset: 2020-09-30