Collection Local study of reading habits
SND-ID: lvs.
Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection
To monitor the development of newspapers among the Swedish population, especially their role in relation to other media, a research program named Dagspresskollegiet was set up in 1979. Dagspresskollegiet was founden by the Association of Swedish Newspaper Publishers and located at the Göteborg University. The purpose for Dagspresskollegiet as a program, is to do long-term research and illustrate the national press and it's development in Sweden from a readers point of view. Two different types of annual studies about newspapers and other media was initiated. The first of them - Läsvanestudien (The study of reading habits) - deals with frequency of habits, the other one - Mediebarometern (Media Barometer) - deals with recency or actual reading. Both of these studies are national representative, survey studies. Local studies of media use are also done in cooperation with local and regional newspapers. The character of these are that they usually use the same questions as in Läsvanestudien, which makes it possible to do comparative studies between districts and a national average and between diff
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SeriesResearch area
Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Leisure, tourism and sport (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Geographic location
Sundsvall Municipality, Jönköping Municipality, Alingsås Municipality, Kalmar Municipality, Hylte Municipality, Halmstad Municipality, Laholm Municipality, Stockholm Municipality, Flen Municipality, Eskilstuna Municipality, Strängnäs Municipality, Kungsör Municipality, Essunga Municipality, Götene Municipality, Ockelbo Municipality, Hofors Municipality, Gävle Municipality, Sandviken Municipality, Älvkarleby Municipality, Vara Municipality, Kil Municipality, Torsby Municipality, Storfors Municipality, Hammarö Municipality, Munkfors Municipality, Forshaga Municipality, Grums Municipality, Sunne Municipality, Karlstad Municipality, Kristinehamn Municipality, Filipstad Municipality, Hagfors Municipality, Mörbylånga Municipality, Borgholm Municipality, Skurup Municipality, Sjöbo Municipality, Tomelilla Municipality, Ystad Municipality, Simrishamn Municipality, Bjuv Municipality, Åstorp Municipality, Helsingborg Municipality, Katrineholm Municipality, Luleå Municipality, Kiruna Municipality
Björkqvist Hellingwerf, K. (1994) Tidningsläsning i Luleå och Kiruna. Presentation av en läsarundersökning. Report no. 34. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
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Björkqvist Hellingwerf, K. (1995) Tidningsläsning i Gästrikland. Report no. 46. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
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Björkqvist, K. (1988) Tidningsläsning i Gästrikland. Presentation av en läsarundersökning. Work report no. 28. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
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Björkqvist, K. (1988) Tidningsläsning i Värmland - en presentation av en läsarundersökning. Work report no. 42. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
Elliot, M., Reimer, B., & Weibull, L. (1986) Tidningsläsning i Kalmar län. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
Google Books
Kratz, C. (1989) Tidningsläsning i Kalmar och på Öland. Work report no. 54. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
Kratz, C. (1990) Tidningsläsning i Jönköping. En presentation av en läsarundersökning. Arbetsrapport nr 5. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
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Kratz, C. (1990) Tidningsläsning i Sydöstra Skåne : en presentation av en läsarundersökning. Report no. 3. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
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Kratz, C. (1991) Tidningsläsning i Södra Halland 1990, jämförelser med situationen 1984. Report no.13. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Reimer, B. (1984) Tidningsläsning i södra Halland. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
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Severinsson, R. (1985) Tidningsläsning i Södermanland. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
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Severinsson, R. (1987) Tidningsläsning i Essunga, Götene och Vara. Göteborg: Department of Political Science.
Severinsson, R. (1990) Tidningsläsning i Nordvästra Skåne : en presentation av en läsarundersökning från våren 1989. Report no. 2. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Severinsson, R. (1991) Tidningsvanor i Gästrikland. Presentation av en läsarundersökning. Work report no. 9. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Severinsson, R. (1992) Med eller utan prenumeration i Eskilstuna och Katrineholm. Presentation av en läsarundersökning från hösten 1990. Report no. 17. Göteborg: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.