Collection SVT exit poll surveys

SND-ID: valu.

Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection


In Valu - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations are asked by public service broadcaster Sveriges Television, SVT, to fill in a questionnaire and put it anonymously in a sealed box. After collecting and processing the responses, Sveriges Television is able to present an election forecast and an analysis of the reasons underlying the outcome of the election in it´s Election Night broadcast. The surveys are referred to as VALU, an abbreviation for vallokalundersökning, Swedish for exit poll survey.

VALU has been carried out by the public service broadcaster SVT in connection with all national elections since 1991; parliamentary elections, referendums, and elections to the European Parliament. The first exit poll survey in Sweden was carried out by SVT in collaboration with Stockholm University and University of Gothenburg. Since 1994, SVT has carried out the studies in collaboration with University of Gothenburg and the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm.

SVT´s main aim with VALU is to obtain an analytical basis for SVT´s election night broadcast and for SVT´

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In Valu - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations are asked by public service broadcaster Sveriges Television, SVT, to fill in a questionnaire and put it anonymously in a sealed box. After collecting and processing the responses, Sveriges Television is able to present an election forecast and an analysis of the reasons underlying the outcome of the election in it´s Election Night broadcast. The surveys are referred to as VALU, an abbreviation for vallokalundersökning, Swedish for exit poll survey.

VALU has been carried out by the public service broadcaster SVT in connection with all national elections since 1991; parliamentary elections, referendums, and elections to the European Parliament. The first exit poll survey in Sweden was carried out by SVT in collaboration with Stockholm University and University of Gothenburg. Since 1994, SVT has carried out the studies in collaboration with University of Gothenburg and the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm.

SVT´s main aim with VALU is to obtain an analytical basis for SVT´s election night broadcast and for SVT´s and other professional analysts´ post-election analyses. Another aim is to be able to forecast the result of the election at an early stage during election night.

VALU is carried out in geographical regions centred around the largest university cities. A university lecturer is appointed in each of the regions as regional survey leader. Together, these survey leaders are responsible for the field workers who carry out the survey where voting takes place before election day and outside polling stations during election day. All survey leaders are familiar with statistical methods. Show less..

Kind of collection


Research area

Elections (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

International politics and organisations (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Geographic location



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Arndt, C. (2013). The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms: Social Democracy's Transformation and its Political Costs. Amsterdam University Press.
Libris | Read fulltext
ISBN: 978-90-8964-450-3

Bergh, J. och Björklund, T. (2013) Minoritetsbefolkningens møte med det politiske Norge partivalg, valgdeltakelse, representasjon. Olso: Cappelen Damm akademisk
Google Books
ISBN: 9788202396985

Gaynor, D. Keil, K. och Sheahan, L. (2008) Why did people in Lund vote "Yes" in the 2003 Swedish Euro Adoption Referendum? Studentarbete vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet

Grundström, E. (2009) The influence of party leaders and ideological beliefs on voters selection of party bloc in the Swedish Parliament Election 2006. A study of the VALU exit poll survey. Studentarbete vid Umeå universitet

Hernborn, H., Holmberg, S., Näsman, P., & Thedéen, T. (2002). Valu Swedish Exit Polls.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-144307

Hernborn, H., Holmberg, S., Näsman, P., & Thedéen, T. (2003). Valu Sveriges Televisions vallokalsundersökningar.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-144305

Hernborn, Hans (2002). Valu : Swedish exit polls. Stockholm: Sveriges television (SVT)

Hernborn, Hans, Holmberg, Sören & Näsman, Per (2006). Valu i allmänhetens tjänst. Stockholm: Sveriges television (SVT)
Till lärosätets (gu) databas | Swepub | Libris

Hernborn, Hans, Holmberg, Sören, Näsman, Per, & Thedéen, Torbjörn (2003) Valu : Sveriges Televisions vallokalsundersökningar. Stockholm: SVT.

Hernborn, Hans, Sören Holmbeg, Per Näsman & Torbjörn Thedéen (2006) Valu i allmänhetens tjänst. Stockholm: Sveriges Television AB.

Holmberg, S., & Näsman, P. (2009). Valu är public service.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-143864

Holmberg, S., & Näsman, P. (2010). Väljarna i fokus.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-71341

Holmberg, S., Näsman, P., & Gustafsson, T. (2015). Så tycker väljarna.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-251073

Holmberg, S., Näsman, P., & Wännström, K. (2012). Väljarnas röst.
URN: urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-141429

Holmberg, S., Näsman, P., Oscarsson, H., & Gudmundson, K. (2020). Lyssna på väljarna.

Holmberg, Sören, Per Näsman, Henrik Oscarsson, Mikael Pettersson & Per Oleskog Tryggvason (2023) Väljarna avgör. Stockholm: Sveriges Television AB.

Jussila Hammes, J., Political economics or Keynesian demand-side policies: What determines transport
infrastructure investment in Swedish municipalities?, Research in Transportation Economics (2015),
ISSN: 0739-8859

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First published dataset: 2008-12-03
Last updated dataset: 2024-12-20