Collection Target-tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI)

SND-ID: target-tailored-forest-damage-inventory-tfdi.

Responsible research principal(s) for data included in the collection


Target-tailored forest damage inventories (TFDI) aiming at providing data for operational decision making at local level and linked to specific damage events, are undertaken by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

An annual monitoring of the most important sources of forest damage is carried out by the Swedish National Forest inventory (NFI). The Swedish NFI contributes data to, for example, the European cooperation programme ICP Forests and to Forest Europe.

Although the Swedish NFI is an objective and uniform inventory of forest damage in Swedish forests at national and regional scales, less common or less widespread occurrences of forests pests and pathogens are difficult to survey solely through large-scale monitoring programmes. There is a need for complementary tailored inventories to facilitate timely delivery of relevant information. TDFIs are developed to give a rapid response to requested information on specific damage outbreaks. The TDFIs are carried out in limited and concentrated samples, with flexible but robust methods and design.

Collection category

Environment, Climate and Earth Sciences

Research area

Forest science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Biota (INSPIRE topic categories)

Environment (INSPIRE topic categories)


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Wulff, S. (2012). Inventering av barkborreangrepp på gran i Västernorrlands län 2011. Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.

Wulff, S. och Hansson, P. (2009). Riktad skogsskadeinventering av törskaterost 2008. (Rapport). Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
URN: urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-p-128840

Wulff, S., & Hansson, P. (2013). Nationell Riktad Skadeinventering (NRS) 2012. (Arbetsrapport 2013:386). Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
URN: urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-954

Wulff, S., & Hansson, P. (2013). Nationell Riktad Skadeinventering (NRS) 2012. Arbetsrapport 386. Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
URN: urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-e-954

Wulff. S., Hansson P. (2007). Riktad inventering av skador på skog. (Rapport). Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
URN: urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-p-128838

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First published dataset: 2024-04-29
Last updated dataset: 2024-12-10