Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists


Designed to address the needs of social science researchers, the workshop discusses ways to maintain the security and integrity of research data. The workshop promotes an interactive hands-on approach to looking after your research data and encourages discussion amongst participants on shared problems and questions like:

  • Ever lost research data?
  • Do you know if your research data is securely stored and backed-up?
  • Had troubles with coding and documentation of data?
  • Are you confident you would be able to understand your data sometime in the future?
  • Considered sharing your research data to increase the visibility of your work?
  • Thought, why would anyone be interested in my research data?
  • What to do with your research data after a project?
  • Encountered problems working in a collaborative setting (teams, co-authors etc)?
  • Need arguments to persuade your institution about the necessity of research data management?

Target groups: social science researchers working with qualitative or quantitative data (principal Investigators, researchers parts of project teams, individual researchers, and PhD students)

Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS)
Cologne, Germany