Digital Humanities Data Curation Institutes Workshop: Summer 2013


As the materials and analytical practices of humanities research become increasingly digital, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of information science, librarianship, and archival science will become more vital to humanists. More fully integrating data curation into digital research involves fluency with topics such as disciplinary research cultures, publication, information sharing, and reward practices, descriptive standards, metadata formats, and the technical characteristics of digital data.

The three-day workshop will provide a strong introductory grounding in data curation concepts and practices, focusing on the special issues and challenges of data curation in the digital humanities. Learning will be largely case-based, supplemented by short lectures, guest presentations, and practical exercises.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Model humanities data for sustainable computational research
  • Identify, assess, and mitigate risks to their data
  • Evaluate tools and systems for working with data from a curatorial perspective
  • Plan and implement data management during all phases of a project's lifecycle
  • Leverage data curation skills to improve scholarly publications, grant applications, and promotion dossiers
  • Understand and stay current with the landscape of data curation research

The Digital Humanities Data Curation Institute workshops are aimed at humanities researchers as well as librarians, archivists, other information professionals, and advanced graduate students.

Limited funding will be available to offset the cost of attending the institute and will be awarded based on need. Up to three people from a single institution may apply. The Institute will be limited to 20 participants.

To apply, please complete the application form by February 15, 2013.

Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
The Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign