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Discover our collections!

A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.

We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.

9 hits 9 hits in swedish

Per page:
  • Collection Sweden now

In the middle of the sixties Testologen AB, in cooperation with a group of advertisers, introduced a new way of investigation where data about the target groups, i.e. interests, consumer habits, possessions, buying inten...

  • Collection Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME)

The aim of the Scania Metadatabase for Epidemiology (SME) was to invent and create a catalogue that describes epidemiological studies collected within Lund University and Region Skåne. The project was initiated by Kristi...

  • Collection Swedish Cohort Consortium (

The Swedish Cohort Consortium ( is a project aimed at improving management and increasing the use of Swedish population-based cohorts (research databases with sensitive person data) for world-leading research....

  • Collection Road safety survey

Trafiksäkerhetsenkäten is an annual road safety study. The survey, one of the oldest ongoing surveys in the area, has been conducted since 1981 by Statistiska centralbyrån on behalf of Trafiksäkerhetsverket (1981-1992), ...

  • Collection The National SOM survey

In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three areas - society, opinion and mass media - ...

  • Collection ISSP - International Social Survey Programme

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing national...

  • Collection Swedish Electoral Data

The material includes data from all electoral districts in parliamentary elections 1948-2006, the county council and municipal elections 1976-2006, referenda 1980-2003, EU parliamentary electoral data from 1995-2004, als...

  • Collection Media barometer

The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different media during an average day.

  • Collection NEAR - National E-Infrastructure for Aging Research in Sweden

The global increase in life expectancy is one of the greatest achievements of the last half century. However, the demographic development towards an older population poses tremendous societal and medical challenges globa...

  • Collection The Regional Western Sweden SOM survey

Western SOM has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998, the survey was extended to include the entire Västra Götaland County plu...

Luleå University of Technology

  • Datasets of a stormwater treatment train facility consisting of a gross pollutant trap and biofilters/sand filter in Sundsvall, Sweden

The data were collected from a stormwater treatment train facility in Sundsvall, Sweden. The facility consists of a gross pollutant trap (GPT) followed by three parallel biofilter cells: a vegetated, chalk-amended biofil...

  • Ali Beryani, Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
  • Kelsey Flanagan, Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
  • Maria Viklander, Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering
  • +1
Published: 2024-08-13
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Umeå University

  • Morphology of boulder-bed semi-alluvial channel beds: a flume study modelling streams in northern Fennoscandia

In northern Fennoscandia, semi-alluvial boulder-bed channels with coarse glacial legacy sediment are abundant and due to widespread anthropogenic manipulation during timber-floating, unimpacted reference reaches are rare...

  • Lina Polvi, Umeå University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Published: 2020-10-21
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Lund University

  • From Sundsvall to Saltsjöbaden: A Regional Approach to Strikes and Protests in the Swedish Labor Market 1859-1938

The project assembles a unique regional panel-dataset on strikes and lockouts (work stoppages) between 1859 and 1938. The regional dimension allows to use communities as mini-laboratories for studying how conflict and c...

  • Kerstin Enflo, Lund University, Economic History Department
  • Jakob Molinder, Lund University, Economic History Department
  • Tobias Karlsson, Lund University, Economic History Department
Published: 2019-03-01
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University of Gothenburg

  • Study of reading habits 1981 - Sundsvall

This survey forms part of the research program ´Dagspresskollegiet´, a program considering the local population´s reading habits and attitudes toward the local press. Inhabitants of Sundsvall were asked about how often t...

  • Lennart Weibull, University of Gothenburg, Department of Journalism Media and Communication
Published: 1993-01-01
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Target Tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI) - Damage by bark beetles on Norway spruce in the county of Västernorrland 2012

Inventories of forest damage are carried out within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Forests programme. An annual monitoring of the most important sources of forest damage is carried out by the Swedi...

  • Sören Wulff, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
  • Cornelia Roberge, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
Published: 2024-12-10
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Stockholm University

  • Gender and preferences in a random sample - A combined experiment and survey study focusing on gender and economic preferences

The data is from an experimental study of a simple random sample of about 1000 adults from the Swedish population. The sample is similar by gender, age, income and education to this population. In addition, we have a hig...

  • Astri Muren, Stockholm University, Department of Economics
Published: 2025-01-14
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Target Tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI) - Damage by bark beetles on Norway spruce in the county of Västernorrland 2013

Inventories of forest damage are carried out within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Forests programme. An annual monitoring of the most important sources of forest damage is carried out by the Swedi...

  • Sören Wulff, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
  • Cornelia Roberge, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
Published: 2025-02-03
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Umeå University

  • Study of regionalization of the northern parts of Sweden 2008

In order to capture the views that the citizens in the northern parts of Sweden hold on regionalization and their opinions about the preconditions for development in the north, a citizen survey was carried out from Septe...

  • Anders Lidström, Umeå University, Department of Political Science
Published: 2011-01-31
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • Target Tailored Forest Damage Inventory (TFDI) - Damage by bark beetle in Västernorrland 2011

Inventories of forest damage are carried out within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Forests programme. An annual monitoring of the most important sources of forest damage is carried out by the Swedi...

  • Sören Wulff, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
  • Cornelia Roberge, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Resource Management
Published: 2025-02-21
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  • Accessibility levels for data

  • SND Logo
    Access to data through SND
  • Access to data through an external actor
  • Data are freely accessible
  • Access to data is restricted or accessible by request
  • Read more about our accessibility levels.

Discover our collections!

A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.

We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.