From Sundsvall to Saltsjöbaden: A Regional Approach to Strikes and Protests in the Swedish Labor Market 1859-1938
SND-ID: snd1088-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Associated documentation
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Kerstin Enflo - Lund University, Economic History Department
Jakob Molinder - Lund University, Economic History Department
Tobias Karlsson - Lund University, Economic History Department
Research principal
Lund University - Economic History Department
The project assembles a unique regional panel-dataset on strikes and lockouts (work stoppages) between 1859 and 1938. The regional dimension allows to use communities as mini-laboratories for studying how conflict and compromises come about at the local level. By holding factors constant at the regional and industry level,it is possible to analyze the relative importance of local economic conditions, union strategies and political influence as they evolve over time.
The datasets described in this document have been extracted and digitized in the project Från Sundsvall till Saltsjöbaden: Ett regionalt perspektiv på strejker och protester på den svenska arbetsmarknaden [From Sundsvall to Saltsjöbaden: A regional approach to strikes and protests in the Swedish labour rmarket] (VR 2014-1491). The project members were Kerstin Enflo (PI), Tobias Karlsson and Jakob Molinder.
Research assistance: Diego Cattolica, Maria Lundborg, Emelie Rhone Till, Scott Sutherland, Pedro Salas Rojo. Geo-coding: Robert Larsson, Erik Olofsson.
There are three interrelated datasets in this database.
1) The longest
The datasets described in this document have been extracted and digitized in the project Från Sundsvall till Saltsjöbaden: Ett regionalt perspektiv på strejker och protester på den svenska arbetsmarknaden [From Sundsvall to Saltsjöbaden: A regional approach to strikes and protests in the Swedish labour rmarket] (VR 2014-1491). The project members were Kerstin Enflo (PI), Tobias Karlsson and Jakob Molinder.
Research assistance: Diego Cattolica, Maria Lundborg, Emelie Rhone Till, Scott Sutherland, Pedro Salas Rojo. Geo-coding: Robert Larsson, Erik Olofsson.
There are three interrelated datasets in this database.
1) The longest dataset 1859-1938 is built upon two separate datasets, covering the periods 1859-1902 and 1903-1927 that were extracted directly from printed sources, and information extracted from primary sources for the period 1928-1938. This dataset has been harmonized and covers only the number of work stoppages by location.
2) The first underlying dataset covers the period 1859-1902 and include many more variables. The data is recorded at the level of each work stoppage.
3) The second underlying dataset covers 1903-1927 and include many more variables The data is recorded at the level of each work stoppage.
All datasets, sources and variables included are further described in the documentation.
Cite dataset 1 as:
Molinder, Jakob, Tobias, Karlsson & Kerstin Enflo (2018) "The power resource theory revisited: what explains the decline in industrial conflicts in Sweden?" Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), s. 1-27 27 s.(Discussion Paper series; nr. DP13130) and Karlsson, Tobias (2019) “Strikes and lockouts in Sweden: revisiting Raphael’s list of work stoppages 1859-1902”, Lund Papers in Economic History 192.
Cite dataset 2 as:
Karlsson, Tobias (2019) “Strikes and lockouts in Sweden: revisiting Raphael’s list of work stoppages 1859-1902”, Lund Papers in Economic History 192.
Cite dataset 3 as :
Enflo, Kerstin & Tobias Karlsson (2018) "From conflict to compromise: the importance of mediation in Swedish work stoppages 1907-1927", European Review of Economic History, hey023, Show less..
Time period(s) investigated
1859 – 1938
Data format / data structure
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Stockholm County, Uppsala County, Södermanland County, Östergötland County, Jönköping County, Kronoberg County, Kalmar County, Gotland County, Blekinge County, Skåne County, Halland County, Västra Götaland County, Värmland County, Örebro County, Västmanland County, Dalarna County, Gävleborg County, Västernorrland County, Jämtland County, Västerbotten County, Norrbotten County
Geographic description: strejker och relaterade variabler, koordinatsatta till ort, kommun, socken eller stad
Responsible department/unit
Economic History Department
Research area
History (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
History (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Economics (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Labour and employment (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Molinder, J., Karlsson, T., & Enflo, K. (2022). Social democracy and the decline of strikes. In Explorations in Economic History (Vol. 83).
Molinder, J., Karlsson, T., & Enflo, K. (2021). More Power to the People : Electricity Adoption, Technological Change, and Labor Conflict. In Journal of Economic History (Vol. 81, Issue 2, pp. 481–512).
Karlsson, Tobias (2019) “Strikes and lockouts in Sweden: revisiting Raphael’s list of work
stoppages 1859-1902”, Lund Papers in Economic History 192.
Molinder, J., Enflo, K and Karlsson, T. (2018). 'The Power Resource Theory Revisited: What Explains the Decline in Industrial Conflicts in Sweden?'. London, Centre for Economic Policy Research.
Enflo, K., & Karlsson, T. (2019). From conflict to compromise: The importance of mediation in Swedish work stoppages 1907-1927. In European Review of Economic History (Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 268–298).
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