Swedish Party Membership Survey 2015, complete dataset
SND-ID: snd1072-1. Version: 2. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5878/kemp-jx26
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
Ann-Kristin Kölln
- University of Gothenburg, Department of Political Science
Jonathan Polk
- Lund University, Department of Political Science
Research principal
University of Gothenburg
- Department of Political Science
In the early part of 2015, the party secretaries of six of the eight Swedish Riksdag parties (plus the Feminist Initiative as the only other Swedish party represented in the European Parliament) agreed to take part in an online survey of their memberships, which would be administered through the Laboratory of Opinion Research (LORE) at the University of Gothenburg.
In May, these party secretaries distributed individualized links to an otherwise identical web-survey to their members via email. All parties, except for the Social Democrats, sent out the survey to the entire membership list. The Social Democrats sent the survey to a large randomly drawn sample from their membership list. When it was closed on July 3, a total of 10,392 Swedish party members had completed the survey.
The purpose of the Swedish party membership survey is to allow researchers to investigate much more specific and rich questions about party members in Sweden. The survey questions are grouped into six modules: socio-demographic, general political attitudes, reasons for and extent of enrolment, position with
In May, these party secretaries distributed individualized links to an otherwise identical web-survey to their members via email. All parties, except for the Social Democrats, sent out the survey to the entire membership list. The Social Democrats sent the survey to a large randomly drawn sample from their membership list. When it was closed on July 3, a total of 10,392 Swedish party members had completed the survey.
The purpose of the Swedish party membership survey is to allow researchers to investigate much more specific and rich questions about party members in Sweden. The survey questions are grouped into six modules: socio-demographic, general political attitudes, reasons for and extent of enrolment, position within the party, activism, and perception of role and attitudes towards membership. The questions were developed in consultation with the Members and Activists of Political Parties (MAPP) research group in order to facilitate cross-national comparisons.
The dataset is available as a SPSS file (.sav), a Nesstar Publisher project and as comma-separated values (.csv). Show less..
Data contains personal data
Sensitive personal data
Type of personal data
Indirect identifiers (year of membership; year of birth; open text fields). Contains public and political opinion.
Unit of analysis
Registered party members
Time Method
Sampling procedure
The gross sample size is 105,632 party members (Fp/L = 11,807; Mp = 18,772; S = 7,500; V =16,009; KD = 9,797; M =20,007; Fi = 22,240)
Time period(s) investigated
2015-05-01 – 2015-07-03
Number of individuals/objects
Geographic spread
Geographic location: Sweden
Geographic description: The survey covered the entire country of Sweden.
Lowest geographic unit
Highest geographic unit
Responsible department/unit
Department of Political Science
Research area
Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Politics, Membership, Democracy, Party politics, Political parties
Kölln, Ann-Kristin and Jonathan Polk. 2017. "Emancipated party members: Examining ideological incongruence within political parties" Party Politics. 23(1): 18-29.