The Student SOM Survey 1993

SND-ID: snd0475-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:

Is part of collection at SND: The Student SOM survey

Associated documentation


Alternative title

Student-SOM 1993

Creator/Principal investigator(s)

University of Gothenburg, SOM Institute

Research principal

University of Gothenburg - SOM Institute rorId


The SOM-institute at Göteborg University carries out two annual surveys. One is a nation-wide survey, while the other is carried out in Western Sweden. To be able to shed light on opinions and habits of the student generation of today a similar survey was carried out among the students at Göteborg University. The questionnaire was divided into seven parts: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power and environment; Sweden and the rest of the world; leisure-time activities; background; and study programme. Questions concerning mass media dealt with news in radio and television; morning paper reading; international papers and magazines; confidence in how various institutions and groupings handle their work; and how important it is to get news from various areas/countries. Politics and society deals with interest in politics; important issues; opinion on a number of proposals occurring in the political debate; opinion on how the government handle their work; position on the political left-right scale; opinion on a Swedish EC-membership; attitude toward the political parties and the p

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The SOM-institute at Göteborg University carries out two annual surveys. One is a nation-wide survey, while the other is carried out in Western Sweden. To be able to shed light on opinions and habits of the student generation of today a similar survey was carried out among the students at Göteborg University. The questionnaire was divided into seven parts: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power and environment; Sweden and the rest of the world; leisure-time activities; background; and study programme. Questions concerning mass media dealt with news in radio and television; morning paper reading; international papers and magazines; confidence in how various institutions and groupings handle their work; and how important it is to get news from various areas/countries. Politics and society deals with interest in politics; important issues; opinion on a number of proposals occurring in the political debate; opinion on how the government handle their work; position on the political left-right scale; opinion on a Swedish EC-membership; attitude toward the political parties and the party leaders; qualities possessed by Ingvar Carlsson, Carl Bildt, and Gudrun Schyman; party most liked and second best respectively. Questions about energy, nuclear power and environment dealt with opinion on nuclear power in Sweden; treatment of nuclear power disposals; threats against the environment; opinion on a number of proposals occurring in the Swedish environmental debate; threats against life and health. Questions concerning Sweden and the rest of the world dealt with worries for the future; refugees and immigrants; how a Swedish EC-membership would affect a number of sectors, and opinion on a number of proposals concerning Sweden´s relations to the rest of the world. Leisure-time activities dealt with television channels watched; general impression of the Swedish television channels; activities during the last year; and organisation membership and activities. Background include information on place the respondent grew up on, age, gender, marital status, household equipment, economical changes, and opinion on party best suited to solve the economical problems in Sweden. Questions concerning study programme included educational background, experiences of basic courses, present course compared to other courses.


To find out how students feel about their education and the social environment at the University of Gothenburg Show less..

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis



Time period(s) investigated

1993-10-01 – 1993-12-31



Number of individuals/objects


Data format / data structure

Data collection
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1993-10-01 – 1993-12-31
  • Source of the data: Population group
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Sweden

Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

SOM Institute

Topic and keywords

Research area

Energy and natural resources (CESSDA Topic Classification)

International politics and organisations (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Media studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Higher and further education (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Leisure, tourism and sport (CESSDA Topic Classification)




Pettersson, M. (2001) Från nittonhundranittiotal till tvåtusental. Work report no. 3. Göteborg: SOM Institute. ISSN 0284-4788.
ISSN: 0284-4788

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Published: 1995-01-01
Last updated: 2022-10-13