The Student SOM Survey 1994
SND-ID: snd0485-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:
Is part of collection at SND: The Student SOM survey
Associated documentation
Alternative title
Student-SOM 1994
Creator/Principal investigator(s)
University of Gothenburg, SOM Institute
Research principal
University of Gothenburg
- SOM Institute
This is the second study in the collection of Student-SOM surveys. The aim of these studies is to shed light on opinions and habits of the student generation of today. The questionnaire was divided into seven parts: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power and environment; Sweden and the rest of the world; leisure-time activities; background; and study programme. It was mainly a replication of the questionnaire used in Student-SOM 1993. Additional questions dealt with the respondent´s opinion on newspapers publishing names in connection with crimes and accidents; Sweden´s future relation to the European Union; and the rights of various ethnical groups to look after their interests. For a number of various things like porno movies in television, flogging, mosques, homosexual teachers, etc. the respondents had to state if they were of the opinion that it should be allowed or not. The question about choice of political party was put in two different versions; half of the respondents were asked about the probability that they should vote for a particular political party during their
... Show more..Purpose:
To find out how students feel about their education and the social environment at the University of Gothenburg Show less..
Data contains personal data
Unit of analysis
Time Method
Time period(s) investigated
1994-10-01 – 1994-12-01
Number of individuals/objects
Data format / data structure
Responsible department/unit
SOM Institute
Research area
Energy and natural resources (CESSDA Topic Classification)
International politics and organisations (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Political behaviour and attitudes (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Social sciences (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Political science (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Media studies (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)
Higher and further education (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Media (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Leisure, tourism and sport (CESSDA Topic Classification)
Pettersson, M. (2001) Från nittonhundranittiotal till tvåtusental. Work report no. 3. Göteborg: SOM Institute. ISSN 0284-4788.