A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.
3 hits
The Swedish Cohort Consortium (Cohorts.se) is a project aimed at improving management and increasing the use of Swedish population-based cohorts (research databases with sensitive person data) for world-leading research....
Uppsala University
The Cohort of Swedish Men is a large population-based cohort of over 45,000 men in the counties of Västmanland and Örebro. All men born 1918-1952 who were residing in Västmanland and Örebro County in 1997 received an inv...
Uppsala University
The Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC) is a large population-based cohort of over 60,000 women in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. All women born 1914-1948 who were residing in Västmanland and Uppsala County and in...
Stockholm University
WOLF is a study that started in Stockholm in 1993. The acronym WOLF stands for Work-Lipids-Fibrinogen. The study is a collaboration between the former Working Environment Institute, the Institute of Environmental Health ...
A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.