Data for: Participating outcome of Akwenda Intervention Program for children with cerebral palsy in Uganda

SND-ID: 2025-10. Version: 1. DOI:


Alternative title

Participation after Akwenda Intervention Program

Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Hans Forssberg - Karolinska Institutet, Department of Women's and Children's Health orcid

Angelina Kakooza Mwesige - Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health orcid

Research principal

Karolinska Institutet - Department of Women's and Children's Health rorId

Principal's reference number



This was a cluster-randomized, controlled, single-blinded study on a cohort of children and young people with CP in the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site. The CP cohort was divided in two arms: one receiving the Akwenda Intervention program, and the other serving as control waiting to receive the intervention the following year. Children with seizures in both groups were provided anti-seizure medications. Outcomes were assessed prior to and after the intervention period.

The Excel sheet includes the data collected before the intervention started (2021; baseline), and after the 11 months intervention ended (2022; follow-up).

Randomized, controlled, intervention trial.

Baseline data: Sociodemographic information and clinical data including anthropometry, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels.

Primary outcome: Picture My Participation (PMP); frequency of attendance and level of involvement in 20 activities of daily living.

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This was a cluster-randomized, controlled, single-blinded study on a cohort of children and young people with CP in the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site. The CP cohort was divided in two arms: one receiving the Akwenda Intervention program, and the other serving as control waiting to receive the intervention the following year. Children with seizures in both groups were provided anti-seizure medications. Outcomes were assessed prior to and after the intervention period.

The Excel sheet includes the data collected before the intervention started (2021; baseline), and after the 11 months intervention ended (2022; follow-up).

Randomized, controlled, intervention trial.

Baseline data: Sociodemographic information and clinical data including anthropometry, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels.

Primary outcome: Picture My Participation (PMP); frequency of attendance and level of involvement in 20 activities of daily living.

The dataset contains of the following files:
- Data sharing PMP Akwenda.xlsx (48.7 kB)
- Documentation file data sharing PMP.docx
Details about the variables in the tables can be found in the documentation file. Show less..

Data contains personal data


Type of personal data

Data is pseudonymized. Age, sex, GMFMCS level.

Code key exists



Method and outcome

Unit of analysis


A total of 100 children and young people with CP aged 2-23 years were included (52 males). Most (65) were from a population-based cohort identified in a three-stage screening at the IM-HDSS in 2015. This cohorthas been followed and studied in a series of articles. An additional group of 35 children between ages 2-6 years were conveniently sampled to include younger participants and achieve statistical power. TheCP diagnosis was confirmed by a child neurologist using the European CP surveillance definition.

Time Method

Study design

Registry-based randomised controlled trial (R-RCT)

Description of study design

This was a geographic cluster-randomized, controlled, single-blinded study on a cohort of children and young people with CP in the Iganga-Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (IM-HDSS) covering a population of approximately 80,000 inhabitants .
The CP cohort was divided in two arms: one receiving the Akwenda Intervention program, and the other serving as control waiting to receive the intervention the following year. Children with seizures in both groups were provided anti-seizure medications. Outcomes were assessed prior to and after the intervention period.

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration
Population based study on all children and young people with cerebral palsy aged 2-23 living at the IM-HDSS.

Time period(s) investigated

2021-07-01 – 2022-11-30



Number of individuals/objects




Response rate/participation rate


Of the 100 participants enrolled in the trial, 94 completed the study: 48 in the intervention group and 46 in the control group. In the intervention group two participants withdrew while three children in the control group were deceased at follow-up and one child withdrew.

Data format / data structure

Data collection
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Uganda

Geographic description: Iganga-Mayuge district, Uganda

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit


Administrative information

Responsible department/unit

Department of Women's and Children's Health

Funding 1

  • Funding agency: Stiftelsen Sunnerdahls Handikappfond rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: F 9/20
  • Project name on the application: An innovative intervention for children with cerebral palsy living in low-resource settings

Funding 2

  • Funding agency: Swedish Research Council rorId
  • Funding agency's reference number: 2017-05474

Ethics Review

Other - Ref. UNCST, SS-5173

The study was approved by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology

Topic and keywords

Research area

Neurology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Pediatrics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Occupational therapy (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Physiotherapy (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)

Medication and treatment (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Physical fitness and exercise (CESSDA Topic Classification)


Sort by name | Sort by year

Elizabeth Asige, Gillian Saloojee, Godfrey Wanjala, Carin Andrews, Lukia H Namaganda, Angelina Kakooza-Mwesige, Diane L Damiano, Hans Forssberg
Outcome of participation in daily living of Akwenda Intervention Program for children and young people with cerebral palsy in Uganda: a cluster-randomized trial
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Accepted 2025-01-17

Saloojee, G., Ekwan, F., Andrews, C., Damiano, D., Kakooza-Mwesige, A., & Forssberg, H. (n.d.). Akwenda intervention programme for children and youth with cerebral palsy in a low-resource setting in sub-Saharan Africa: protocol for a quasi-randomised controlled study. In BMJ OPEN (Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. e047634–e047634).

Published: 2025-01-29