Data from Geant4 calculations of average gamma heating from selected cases of used light water reactor nuclear fuel assemblies in a KBS-3 type deep geological repository

SND-ID: 2024-326. Version: 1. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Peter Jansson - Uppsala University, Physics and Astronomy, Applied Nuclear Physics orcid

Research principal

Uppsala University rorId


Monte Carlo calculations, using the Geant4 framework version 10.02 [1], of energy deposition from gamma radiation emitted from light water reator fuel assemblies in a KBS-3 type deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel has been performed. Selected cases of boiling and pressurized reactor fuel assemblies from the "SKB-50" set of fuel assemblies were used; "BWR1", "BWR6" and "PWR8" [2]. An isotropic source of gamma-rays with energies of 444, 662, 723 and 1274 keV, depending of the case, were distributed homogeneously in the intersection of a (mid-)plane perpendicular to the canister central axis with all the fuel rods in all fuel assemblies in the canister. The average energy deposition in a 3-dimensional (x,y,z) mesh with 1 cm resolution was calculated per emitted gamma particle. This dataset contains the resulting meshed energy deposition data.

Description of files:
- The gzip compressed tar file contains comma-separated-values (CSV) files with the data "mesh x position [cm], mesh y position [cm], mesh z position [cm], average energy deposition per emitted gamma [MeV]" supplied on eac

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Monte Carlo calculations, using the Geant4 framework version 10.02 [1], of energy deposition from gamma radiation emitted from light water reator fuel assemblies in a KBS-3 type deep geological repository for used nuclear fuel has been performed. Selected cases of boiling and pressurized reactor fuel assemblies from the "SKB-50" set of fuel assemblies were used; "BWR1", "BWR6" and "PWR8" [2]. An isotropic source of gamma-rays with energies of 444, 662, 723 and 1274 keV, depending of the case, were distributed homogeneously in the intersection of a (mid-)plane perpendicular to the canister central axis with all the fuel rods in all fuel assemblies in the canister. The average energy deposition in a 3-dimensional (x,y,z) mesh with 1 cm resolution was calculated per emitted gamma particle. This dataset contains the resulting meshed energy deposition data.

Description of files:
- The gzip compressed tar file contains comma-separated-values (CSV) files with the data "mesh x position [cm], mesh y position [cm], mesh z position [cm], average energy deposition per emitted gamma [MeV]" supplied on each row. The name of the CSV file specifies the fuel assembly id from the SKB-50 set of fuel assemblies as well as the energy of the emitted gamma radiation.
- The txt-file contains the SHA-256 checksum of the gzip compressed tar file.

The dataset was originally published in DiVA and moved to SND in 2024. Show less..

Data contains personal data



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Data collection
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Topic and keywords

Research area

Subatomic physics (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


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S. Agostinelli, et al.; "Geant4—a simulation toolkit"; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; Volume 506; Issue 3; Pages 250-303; ISSN 0168-9002; DOI:; 2003.

Jansson P., et al.; "Axial and azimuthal gamma scanning of nuclear fuel - implications for spent fuel characterization"; Journal of Nuclear Materials Management; Volume 45; Issue 1; URL:; 2016.


Version 1. 2021-05-10

Version 1: 2021-05-10


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Published: 2021-05-10
Last updated: 2024-09-05