A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.
6 hits
Chalmers University of Technology
The data is collected during experiments that aims to reproduce loading conditions in shotcrete tunnel linings. The data includes strain measurements from distributed optical fiber sensors, image series taken simultaneou...
Chalmers University of Technology
The dataset contains questionnaire survey data from the evaluation of a Digital Twin Viewer (CDTE) for the city of Gothenburg. The questionnaire collects background information about the users and their familiarity with ...
Chalmers University of Technology
This data repository contains data analysed in the paper: Monitoring corrosion-induced concrete cracking adjacent to the steel-concrete interface. The data contains strain measurements, measured from optical fibres bonde...
Chalmers University of Technology
The data available provides information of the strain fields in a wall element under loading. The data describes strains in three direction of the mid-plane section of the wall. The data was retrieved during the testing ...
Chalmers University of Technology
This data was gathered for a study that focused on knitted textiles since they have several properties that offer potentials for wider applications within the built environment. Particularly, two features of the knitted ...
Chalmers University of Technology
The implementation of structural health monitoring systems in existing civil engineering structures could contribute to a safer and more resilient infrastructure as well as important savings. Due to their light weight, s...
A collection consists of several datasets that are in some way connected. They can belong to the same research series, research infrastructure, or come from the same research expedition.
We also provide access to the special collections “Swedish party programs and election manifestos” and the Swedish Gallup Institute's public opinion surveys from 1942 to 1956.