Previous Archaeological Excavations along the 'Ostlänken' Railway Corridor 1965-2012: Fifteen Kilometers of Ancient History Beneath the Motorway - Settlement remains in Åbro, ancient monument 209, Västerljung parish

SND-ID: snd2383-1. Version: 1.0. DOI:


Creator/Principal investigator(s)

Swedish National Heritage Board

Research principal

Uppsala University rorId


Previous Archaeological Excavations along the 'Ostlänken' Railway Corridor 1965-2012: Fifteen Kilometers of Ancient History Beneath the Motorway

The ZIP file contains a shape file with metadata from the excavation, and two maps in GeoTIFF format.
The ancient monument 209 was comprised of two hearths and an area with soot and fire-cracked stone, situated by Åbro. The remains were dated to the Late Iron Age and the Middle Ages.

Data contains personal data



Method and outcome

Time period(s) investigated

Data format / data structure

Type of archaeological investigation

Archaeological excavation

Type of archaeological remains

Settlement remains, other

Data collection
  • Mode of collection: Field observation
  • Description of the mode of collection: Digitalisering och georeferering av analoga ritningar och planer.
  • Time period(s) for data collection: 1979-06 – 1979-11
  • Data collector: Swedish National Heritage Board
Geographic coverage

Geographic spread

Geographic location: Trosa Municipality, Västerljung Parish

Geographic description: Along the E4 motorway through Västerljung and Trosa-Vagnhärad parishes.

Lowest geographic unit


Highest geographic unit

County (NUTS 3)

Administrative information


Organisationens dnr för undersökningen: 3403/78

ProjektID: p478002

ProjektID: 478002

RAÄ-nr: Västerljung 209:1

RAÄ-nr: Trosa-Vagnhärad 385:1

Topic and keywords

Research area

History (CESSDA Topic Classification)

Archaeology (Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2011)


Wigren, Sonja & Öström, Kerstin (1986). Femton kilometer forntid under motorvägen: fornlämningar från bronsålder till medeltid i Trosa-Vagnhärads, Västerljungs och Lästringe socknar i Södermanland : arkeologiska undersökningar 1979-1981. Archaeological report 1984:30. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet

Published: 2014-09-18
Last updated: 2020-01-24